Good program for schematic diagrams?

Does anyone know about a good and free program to draw schematic diagrams?
Diagrams that shows the BS2 as a square with small numbers close to the connection lines and also show transistors and other components the way they appear in professional diagrams.
My hand made drawings does not look very nice after re-drawings and changings all the time.
Does anyone know about a good and free program to draw schematic diagrams?
Diagrams that shows the BS2 as a square with small numbers close to the connection lines and also show transistors and other components the way they appear in professional diagrams.
My hand made drawings does not look very nice after re-drawings and changings all the time.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present.
Don't have VGA?
Thanks for your advice, I like that Expresspcb, or more correct, the ExpressSCH, I even found the BS2 in there!!
I think the ExpressPCB software only produces files usable by ExpressPCB which could be an issue if you want to actually get boards made. For just drawing schematics this might not be a problem.
Also, I have heard good things about DipTrace but I haven't had a chance to actually try it.
- Rick