BS2P40 with OUTL OUTH?
Hi guys, I am new in basic stamp. My teacher gave me a BS2p40 for project, I understand for BS, OUTL and OUTH controls p0-p7 and p8-p15 individually. I would like to know if there is any command to fully control Mainio or Auxio sides, using the binary form(1010111etc) just like how the OUTL control the physical left side and OUTH controls the physical·right side of normally 24 pins Basic stamp?
This is a most elementry question which can be answered by referring to the PBASIC Reference Manual. This reference manual can be downloaded from the Parallax web site for free. It is suggested that you have a copy nearby when you are writing or debugging your program. A wealth of information is contained therein.
The second source of this information is the PBASIC Help File which is an integral part of the PBASIC IDE.
The I/O pins can be put in the output state in a number of different ways. They can also be set in groups as you have seen. Here is the grouping break down:
Pins 0-15 affected
Pins 0-7 or 8-15 affected
Pins 0-3, 4-7, 8-11, or 12-15 affected
Bruce Bates
The BS2 architecture was originally designed with 16 I/O pins, numbered zero to 15. When the BS2p40 came out, now they had 32 I/O pins. To adapt the architecture, they used the "MAINIO ... AUXIO..." keywords. These keywords 'redirect' pin references to the "Main" 16 pins, or the "Aux" 16 pins. But it does mean the programmer must keep track himself which 'set' of pins is currently 'active'.
As a result, to write the low 8 'main' pins, you do "MAINIO: OUTL = MyByte". To write the low 8 'aux' pins, you do "AUXIO: OUTL = Mybyte". There really is no way to read the entire 32 pins all at the same time.
Thank you so much for the explanations [noparse]:D[/noparse]
You just have to determine which 16pins, either MAINIO or AUXIO.
Good luck.
There are 10 types of people in this world,...
Those that understand binary numbers, and those that don't!!!