Parallax Transmitter, reciever and serial communication
I'm using 27980-ParallaxRFTransmitter and 27981-ParallaxRFReceiver to communicate in between two robots. Both robot have transmitter and reciever. I connect the transmitter and reciever into the BS2 board in each robot. And i was able to communicate in between two robots.
Now my problem is my main controller is BS2P. not BS2. I'm using BS2 only for connect transmitter and reciever. When i switch on i want BS2P of one robot send data to BS2·of the same robot. Then that robot transmitter·which connects to·the BS2 board must transmit to the other robot reciever which connects to BS2 board. Once the other robot recieves it will command the BS2 of that robot to send information to the BS2P of the same·robot. So that BS2P can start it normal sequence. Until that i don't want the·second robot to start·it's normal sequence.
How can this can be done? I tried. But i failed. Help me..........
Now my problem is my main controller is BS2P. not BS2. I'm using BS2 only for connect transmitter and reciever. When i switch on i want BS2P of one robot send data to BS2·of the same robot. Then that robot transmitter·which connects to·the BS2 board must transmit to the other robot reciever which connects to BS2 board. Once the other robot recieves it will command the BS2 of that robot to send information to the BS2P of the same·robot. So that BS2P can start it normal sequence. Until that i don't want the·second robot to start·it's normal sequence.
How can this can be done? I tried. But i failed. Help me..........

- Stephen
And slave is the serial out robot. So altogether i have four programs for both robot, two programs for each robot for BS2 and for BS2P.
Waiting for your reply.....
George, W
- Stephen
Thanks Franklin - I will be studying and trying out new program syntax based on above ... will let forum no how I make out ...
I was considering making this a new thread, but, since I am new in this forum I thought I would cool it