HELP "No Basic Stamps found"
I·believe this has been discussed many times and i've tried few methods·like reboot my PC, reconnect and etc..
and it still fails to detect·BS2. Please help........
Error code: ·No Basic Stamps found
Loopback: Yes
Echo: Yes
Tokenize Successful
BS2 version: Rev F
Editor Version: 2.3.9
OS: Win XP
Voltage at pin·24: 8.9V
Output 0
Output 1
GOTO start
and it still fails to detect·BS2. Please help........
Error code: ·No Basic Stamps found
Loopback: Yes
Echo: Yes
Tokenize Successful
BS2 version: Rev F
Editor Version: 2.3.9
OS: Win XP
Voltage at pin·24: 8.9V
Output 0
Output 1
GOTO start
1. what kind of power supply are you using?
2. have you ever been able to comunicate to the stamp before?
Also, your BS2 program should start with:
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
I'm using 9.6v battery pack with 700mAh and this is my first attempt to communicate the stamp.
My connection are using serial port and the board is own made circuit which i'm using 7809 circuit for Vin and 7805 circuit for Reset. I've check thru my program again and yes it's start with:-
'{$PBASIC 2.5}
This doesn't sound correct - Reset it typically connected thru a normally open switch and connected to ground.
You should be able to power the Stamp 2 either with 9V connected to Vin OR 5V connected to Vdd - but not both at the same time.
For reference - review the schematic of the simple Parallax Stamp 2 Carrier board here
Post Edited (Forrest) : 12/9/2007 2:13:34 PM GMT
Some of the Parallax boards have the inversion & level shifting circuits on them between the Stamp and the DB-9 connector, but others do not.
Is the Reset pin connected to Vdd?· This might be the cause of the "Basic Stamp not found"·message, given that you have "Loopback: Yes" and "Echo: Yes".· The·reset pin should be left disconnected.
Could it be due to my PC serial port problem or any possibility that my BS2 damage?
Does the chip get hot when in use?··Can you try the chip in a different board?
I had a problem with intermittent "Stamp not found" messages which I fixed by cleaning all connections.· I also had a problem with a damaged chip at one stage.· As soon as I put a new chip in the problem·disappeared.·
The Parallax IDE uses the "ATN" signal (aka "DTR") to reset the chip to prepare for programming. If you haven't connected the DTR signal to the 'ATN' pin, it's not going to work.
The 'loopback' checks that two pins are connected together -- this validates the cable is plugged in. The 'echo' checks that the BS2 hardware is plugged in -- it verifies the BS2's RS-232 signal shifting transistors are working. THEN, the IDE sends the 'reset' signal, and expects a response from the BS2 (within a VERY tight timing window) identifying what the BS2 is. If it doesn't get that, you see the report you've been seeing.
So look at the BOE schematic, and connect the DTR to the ATN pin as indicated there (including any 'pull-up' resistors).
Thanks guys.