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graphic lcd with ks108 — Parallax Forums

graphic lcd with ks108

edited 2008-07-18 00:06 in Propeller 1

·· I want to use 128*64 lcd with ks108 chip.I·tried the ks108 object which writen by Erik Friesen.when I heve powered the prop .I can see something on lcd but the text on lcd moving
· and·I cant read the text clearly.the code shows the modified section of ks108 object.

_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000
IOpins· =· %00000000_11111111_00000000_00111111· 'set output pins
DI····· =· 0
RW····· =· 4
Ena···· =· 1
DB0pin· =· 16 'For reversed pins set to db7 and make active first two lines of #writebyte·
db0_db7 =· %11111111<<DB0pin
CS1···· =· 2
CS2···· =· 3
RST···· =· 5

Post Edited (AHMET AKSU) : 12/8/2007 5:23:21 PM GMT


  • Erik FriesenErik Friesen Posts: 1,071
    edited 2007-12-08 21:53
    Post your code or email it to me. It may be in how you are calling the ks0108 object. Most of the time it either works or it doesn't with the chip interface. One possibility is if the prop is writing to the chip too fast. You can try changing the delay to a little slower.
    edited 2007-12-10 07:28
    thanks Erik Friesen.I m using your object ks108.spin and lcddemo.spin on parallax site .I only modified the ks108.spin like you can see on first post.the interface connections same like ks108.spin .after your answer I changed the clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x to clkmode = xtal1
    and then its working now.I m asking that : how can I add a delay to ks108.spin ???
  • drazmodrazmo Posts: 21
    edited 2008-07-17 21:05
    I am trying to use the ks108 object from the parallax library and can't seem to get anything on the screen.....
    I set my pins a little shown below. I went and checked all the signals and everything goes High and Low at the correct pin...but when I run the program...nothing happens.....

    Here is my code and pin layout.....


    IOpins = %11011111_11111111_10000000_00000000 '%11000000_00000000_00001111_11111111 'set output pins
    DI = 25
    RW = 26
    Ena = 27
    DB0pin = 15 'For reversed pins set to db7 and make active first two lines of #writebyte
    db0_db7 = %11111111<<DB0pin
    CS1 = 23
    CS2 = 24
    RST = 28

    ''* ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────┐ *
    ''* │Pin1 VSS ┣───────┴─Grnd 100uf cap? (or stable supply) *
    ''* │ VDD ┣───────────────┬──┴──── 5 volts *
    ''* │ Vo ┣────────────── 20K contrast *
    ''* │ D/I ┣──── 25 │ *
    ''* │ R/W ┣──── 26 │ *
    ''* │ E ┣──── 27 │ *
    ''* │ DB0 ┣──── 15 │ *
    ''* │ DB1 ┣──── 16 │ *
    ''* │ DB2 ┣──── 17 │ *
    ''* │ DB3 ┣──── 18 │ *
    ''* │ DB4 ┣──── 19 │ *
    ''* │ DB5 ┣──── 20 │ *
    ''* │ DB6 ┣──── 21 │ *
    ''* │ DB7 ┣──── 22 │ *
    ''* │ CS1 ┣──── 23 │ *
    ''* │ CS2 ┣──── 24 │ *
    ''* │ RES ┣──── 5Volts │ *
    ''* │ VEE ┣───────────────┘ *
    ''* │ K ┣────── - LED *
    ''* │Pin 20 Anode ┣────── + LED *
    ''* └─────────────┘ *
  • drazmodrazmo Posts: 21
    edited 2008-07-17 21:07
    Nevermind....just realized my contrast was off.....thanks!
  • Erik FriesenErik Friesen Posts: 1,071
    edited 2008-07-18 00:06
    Glad to know it works for you. You can adjust the delay at the bottom of the program to tweak speed out of the screen. There is some difference in the speed that chips can handle. I have completed the 2nd size numbers but have not posted it. I also have an updated graphics version of it that someone sent me. (if you need it) I have been using the ks0713 based lcd's lately and they are much faster an almost always have a built in dcdc converter.
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