Help! Wirelessly transmitting temperature data from sensirion SHT11/15 using a
We could use some help on how to transmit temperature data wirelessly using a sensirion temperature sensor and a 912 MHz transceiver.
We are using a Boe-Bot. Can someone share advice on where to put the serout command for transmitting the temp data using the following code? We could also use help on how to receive it. We have had success transmitting text, but not the temperature data from the temperature sensor.
Thanks for the help!
The code should be attached.
We are using a Boe-Bot. Can someone share advice on where to put the serout command for transmitting the temp data using the following code? We could also use help on how to receive it. We have had success transmitting text, but not the temperature data from the temperature sensor.
Thanks for the help!
The code should be attached.
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
SERIN Rx,N9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC3 tF]··········· 'Receive one byte
· SERIN Rx,N9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC3 tC]
· SERIN Rx,N9600,[noparse][[/noparse]DEC3 soT]
Dave Andreae
Parallax Tech Support·
Thanks for helping