I want to control my camera with the Stamp.
Let see if I can explain this so you can give some help :-)
I want to control my camera with the Stamp. I have made a timer and now i want my camera to take a picture in diffrent intervals. The programming for that is no problem but the actual connection to te stamp is.
I have a wire remote control to the camte whch operates in a way that ehen there is connetion on two pins the camera takes a picture. How can i conect that·on the stamp education board?
I dont want any curent or voltage just make the connection to two pins and simulate a push of a button.
Crystal clear ? Im sorry for my bad english.
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 12/10/2007 5:59:24 PM GMT
Let see if I can explain this so you can give some help :-)
I want to control my camera with the Stamp. I have made a timer and now i want my camera to take a picture in diffrent intervals. The programming for that is no problem but the actual connection to te stamp is.
I have a wire remote control to the camte whch operates in a way that ehen there is connetion on two pins the camera takes a picture. How can i conect that·on the stamp education board?
I dont want any curent or voltage just make the connection to two pins and simulate a push of a button.
Crystal clear ? Im sorry for my bad english.
Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 12/10/2007 5:59:24 PM GMT
I think the relay way sounds like the way to go. Do you have any suggestion for one ? Im very new to this electronic stuff. I found·this would that work?
PRME15005 from CP Clare. What diod do I need ?
Any switching or power diode with a rating of at least 50V should work. I typically use 1N4148 or 1N4001 diodes.
Just want to report that it all works well. Thanks a lot.