Newbies and Hijacking?
Posts: 387
I am somewhat new to this but I wonder what is the purpose of this site? Isn't it to share info useful for the prop?·I may be a stick in the mud but if I wanted jokes·I would be on yahoo.forums.
··· Please correct me if my ranting is unacceptable. I plan to be here a long time and really don't want to upset anyone. I like a good joke too.
Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops.
··· Please correct me if my ranting is unacceptable. I plan to be here a long time and really don't want to upset anyone. I like a good joke too.
Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops.
appears to have had knowledge of Propeller and Basic stamp since birth. [noparse];)[/noparse]
Generally, if you will ask a question clearly and give those with some experience a chance, good answers
will be forthcoming. There are all levels of knowledge here to participate to exchange ideas and code
(good, bad, and indifferent) with a variety of backgrounds and ideas of how the Propeller fits.
Many of us have spent many, many hours of time exploring the Propeller to gain our understanding,
and invite you to enjoy the same experiences. You'll find that part of the enjoyment of the Propeller
is the journey. (At least for the hobbyiests among us.)
Don't sweat this gang, there's a lot of great people here. It's part of what is making Propeller great.
Just getting started with Propeller?
Propeller Cookbook
I know you’re excited about the propeller, But I have to say that your first post (In my mind) made you look like a dirty old man. I’m sorry if I mistook your intentions, but in this day and age who knows.
Thank's Brian
·"Imagination is more important than knowledge..." ·· Albert Einstein· My favorite website ( Bet you can't guess why)
I don't know if genetic memory really is possibly, but Mike certainly does seem to have it. I can't count the number of times he's saved my butt during a project. hahaha
"... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs." -
"If Python is executable pseudocode, then perl is executable line noise."
"The best accelerator available for a Mac is one that causes it to go at 9.81 m/s2."
"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features."
"Windows isn't a virus, viruses do something."
"Programmers are tools for converting caffeine into code."
"Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue."
Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops. He may byte you, he may nibble you, but you will know you were bit.
Thread 'hijacking' happens on almost all forums; I guess it's just what happens in the natural coarse of any conversation. Most times though, it seems to be brought back on-track.
I've developed a selective reading capability - I just ignore anything that's apparently irrelevant, and re-ask a question or prompt again for an answer!
I thought the other day about life before the Internet - just how did we get our answers back then?!
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
Good topic.
OT comments can be irritating for the thread author, and if so, then it shouldn't happen. I personally love free flowing conversations and I find the forum an absolute delight to read because you never know where a conversation might go.
When the flow is irritating to the thread author any indication of that fact should bring the conversation back on topic and keep it there.
What we all need to keep in mind is that other people don't read our comments the way we want them to. Written language is always interpreted in a variety of ways. Personal slights are almost always unintended, but they do happen... mostly by mistake because something was badly misunderstood.
Any hi-jacking is usually done with good intent rather than maliciously. Things that annoy were probably not meant to. Issues are usually short-lived and things can usually be brought back on track painlessly rather than escalated into something worse. Sometimes that may mean biting ones lip and not necessarily saying what one might like to
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Paul, Your map story made me think about some of the things the internet makes difficult to contemplate. Buy a book? Buy a map. Go to library, does this town still have one? Goto radioshack to buy a component, just order it online. When was the last time you opened and played a board game? Read a paper newpaper? Subscribe to a magazine and actually get it in the mailbox?I dread the idea of living without the internet. Even with all the bad parts, spam and porn its still the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops. He may byte you, he may nibble you, but you will know you were bit.