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Multiple beginner questions. Forum and objects? — Parallax Forums

Multiple beginner questions. Forum and objects?

mosquito56mosquito56 Posts: 387
edited 2007-12-08 01:30 in Propeller 1
· O.k. newbie time.
·Special thanks to Paul for recommending the protoboard. I have ordered everything today and hope to start on the hardware side next week.

· When I have multiple questions should I stick em in one post or mutiple posts. Also, If I start a thread can I delete the thread to free up hd space on server?
· I am familiar with oop but I can't figure out how one file knows to load another file? I assume when I load vgademo.spin it already has the filenames somewhere or is everything saved in 1 spin file? The vga-txtdemo also includes vga_txt and vga files but I don't see them in the dir. Where are they?
·· If I want to save files so I can begin my own code where should I put them and what file extensions should I use so PT can find them or Is everything only concerned with dir's?
·Expect to see many more posts, thats why my name is mosquito, I buzz in your ear and never go away. Please feel free to swat as needed.

Post Edited (mosquito56) : 12/8/2007 1:23:48 AM GMT


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-12-08 01:21
    mosquito56 said...
    · O.k. newbie time.

    · When I have multiple questions should I stick em in one post or mutiple posts.
    either way is fine, typically group questions if they are related or are "popcorn" (relatively easy)

    ·Also, If I start a thread can I delete the thread to free up hd space on server?
    Dont worry we have more than enough space to store people's posts, also someone else may have the same question and read the answer before posting it again.

    · I am familiar with oop but I can't figure out how one file knows to load another file? I assume when I load vgademo.spin it already has the filenames somewhere or is everything saved in 1 spin file? The vga-txtdemo also includes vga_txt and vga files but I don't see them in the dir. Where are they?
    Objects (files) are included via the OBJ block, refer to the manual for it's use. If an object isn't located in the directory of the top object, check the home directory for the Propeller. For demos of objects check Examples\Library folder

    ·· If I want to save files so I can begin my own code where should I put them and what file extensions should I use so PT can find them or Is everything only concerned with dir's?
    Use whatever system makes sense to you, I personally leave the original object as is and choose another name for my modified version, this way if I choose to release it the name isn't in conflict with an existing object.

    ·Expect to see many more posts, thats why my name is mosquito, I buzz in your ear and never go away. Please feel free to swat as needed.
    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,999
    edited 2007-12-08 01:25
    The Prop Tool always seems to look first in the "Program Files" directory, where it resides. This is a bit frustrating, if you are trying to make your own versions of say "vga_txt" because it will prefer the "Program Files" file over the one in the local directory where your top level SPIN file is located...

    BTW: This is also a problem with Vista-64 because it doesn't like you altering things in the "Program Files" directory...
  • mosquito56mosquito56 Posts: 387
    edited 2007-12-08 01:30
    Yeah , that's biting me in the behind also, I partitioned my drive c: with the idea of using C: for windows exclusively and all programs on d:

    Suprise, suprise, Windows doesn't like any of their programs in non-root drive. So anything from windows has to go on c:

    FlightSimX takes 10gig. With a 20gig root drive and a 60gig d: partition you can see I am rapidly running out of room on C:

    BTW: I am hearing really bad things about vista, why am I not suprised. Conspiracy is the only word I can think of with windows. I don't get it. Isn't 60billion enough money for one man?


    Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops.

    Post Edited (mosquito56) : 12/8/2007 2:53:14 AM GMT
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