Multiple beginner questions. Forum and objects?
· O.k. newbie time.
·Special thanks to Paul for recommending the protoboard. I have ordered everything today and hope to start on the hardware side next week.
· When I have multiple questions should I stick em in one post or mutiple posts. Also, If I start a thread can I delete the thread to free up hd space on server?
· I am familiar with oop but I can't figure out how one file knows to load another file? I assume when I load vgademo.spin it already has the filenames somewhere or is everything saved in 1 spin file? The vga-txtdemo also includes vga_txt and vga files but I don't see them in the dir. Where are they?
·· If I want to save files so I can begin my own code where should I put them and what file extensions should I use so PT can find them or Is everything only concerned with dir's?
·Expect to see many more posts, thats why my name is mosquito, I buzz in your ear and never go away. Please feel free to swat as needed.
Post Edited (mosquito56) : 12/8/2007 1:23:48 AM GMT
·Special thanks to Paul for recommending the protoboard. I have ordered everything today and hope to start on the hardware side next week.
· When I have multiple questions should I stick em in one post or mutiple posts. Also, If I start a thread can I delete the thread to free up hd space on server?
· I am familiar with oop but I can't figure out how one file knows to load another file? I assume when I load vgademo.spin it already has the filenames somewhere or is everything saved in 1 spin file? The vga-txtdemo also includes vga_txt and vga files but I don't see them in the dir. Where are they?
·· If I want to save files so I can begin my own code where should I put them and what file extensions should I use so PT can find them or Is everything only concerned with dir's?
·Expect to see many more posts, thats why my name is mosquito, I buzz in your ear and never go away. Please feel free to swat as needed.
Post Edited (mosquito56) : 12/8/2007 1:23:48 AM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
BTW: This is also a problem with Vista-64 because it doesn't like you altering things in the "Program Files" directory...
Suprise, suprise, Windows doesn't like any of their programs in non-root drive. So anything from windows has to go on c:
FlightSimX takes 10gig. With a 20gig root drive and a 60gig d: partition you can see I am rapidly running out of room on C:
BTW: I am hearing really bad things about vista, why am I not suprised. Conspiracy is the only word I can think of with windows. I don't get it. Isn't 60billion enough money for one man?
Mosquito: An animal which buzzes in your ear and never stops.
Post Edited (mosquito56) : 12/8/2007 2:53:14 AM GMT