Help with Clock/calendar Basic Stamp2
I need your help to find a program code in Basic Stamp2·to make·a clock/calendar. I have the Basic Stamp Homework Board with the pic16f57 and a 2x16 LCD display YJ-162 from parallax too.
Please I need your help with the code.
Please I need your help with the code.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
You can also have a looK as well
··Thanks for any·
1) Binary Digital Clock.bs2
2) DS1302_Demo.bs2
I tried the first one with my basic stamp homework board and the parallax 2x16 LCD display. I'm not using the 7 segments displays and the other things. I'm using only the 2x16 LCD display.
The LCD shows the tittle and then shows: Sunday
00 00 00
How can I change the time?
what can I do? to solve the problem using only the board and the LCD display?
On page 16 of getting started with the Parallax serial lcd document is a clock example that might help.
I have made the clock/calendar. Basic Stamp 2 is awesome.
Thank you people