I have a question about the IR Remote
I know people say that it works but I have a brightstar remote and I need the code for it to change to a sony so it will work with my boe-bot
I dont know where I get the code from
can someone help me?
No, the remote doesn't have to be a Sony remote. However, the code the remote puts out does have to be the Sony code, if your BOE-Bot has been programmed to recieve the Sony code.
It turns out there's LOTS of different protocols being used by different vendors -- so if the BOE-Bot is programmed for the Sony protocol, set up the universal remote to use the Sony protocol. Programming for a different protocol is not trivial.
or just google the model number and you should be able to find the info you need
Hold the the set up key until the LED remains on and then enter the code
you can code a Algorithm for your boebot with ir sensor to recognize the data and do stuff when that data is received.
It turns out there's LOTS of different protocols being used by different vendors -- so if the BOE-Bot is programmed for the Sony protocol, set up the universal remote to use the Sony protocol. Programming for a different protocol is not trivial.