Non "OEN" optical shaft encoder HELP!
So I am using the Boe board with non-parallax optical encoders and am having a software crisis. I tried modifying the parallax code that you can download for the Parallax "digital encoders" and because the parallax encoders only have 8 "ticks" per revolution the code is not compatible. The encoders I am trying to use have 90 "ticks" per rotation. I am not that familiar with PBasic, but what I am trying to do is have the 2 motors spin 90 ticks (1 revolution).
Right encoder pin1
Left encoder pin2
Right motor pin 12
Left motor pin 13
Could some body please help me with this code? It would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
-Chris Rybitski
Right encoder pin1
Left encoder pin2
Right motor pin 12
Left motor pin 13
Could some body please help me with this code? It would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
-Chris Rybitski
So are you saying that the BS2 is unable to handle these encoders?
If using the standard BOE-Bot wheels is out of the question, perhaps you could replace the code wheel accompanying your encoder with one that has fewer stripes. A laser- or inkjet printer could easily print such a pattern.
You could use a , help me out here Phil, one of those counter chips , decade counter or something like that flip flops, shift registers, lots of ways to skin the cat.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
Poor planning on my part..
Is there any way someone could assist me with the code (I understand that it will be flawed)?
I understand and sympathize with the pickle you're in, but I'm not optimistic that there's a way out without some additional hardware to reduce the pulse frequency.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!