Linear Pot Feedback question
I have built in the past X - Y - Z tables similar to those used on CNC milling tables. I've always used stepper motors to move the tables. My question is for a new project; I want to control the positioning of a much smaller system (around·4 inches long) using a DC type motor with a linear pot type feed back. I got this idea from looking inside a swiss made wire cutting machine.· I liked how this machine worked, it responded instantly to any attempts from me to change the postion.·How would I go about·doing this? It would have a display & keypad where you would enter a value in millimeters and the motor would immediatley find the spot. Thanks.
1- using accurate cap and (optional) resistors on the RC network that allows for a fast RCTIME reading that is still accurate. You want to be able to sample the pot quickly so you can send a motor command, then do it all again.
2- motor controller -- roll your own H-bridge or purchase an an-off-the-shelf controller
3- PID (Proporitional Integral Derivative) control of the pot -> speed -> motor loop -- you don't want the motor "hunting" or oscillating. The Stamps in Class forum has a great discussion about PID by Andy Lindsay. Essentially you have a control loop where the pot is measured and compared against what the *desired* value is -- then speed and direction are sent to the motor to try to "close the gap". What a control algorithm does is make the motor move faster if the error is great, but slow up quickly as it approaches the "target" and not overshoot.
I think the big variable here is the motor -- is it geared down? will it heat up if cycled in a PID loop from a controller?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST