RFID Time Clock
Here is the first version of my RFID Time Clock.· It uses a PINK to send the data via UDP to the server.· It also can use the Emic to speak what is on the LCD Display(as soon as the Emic is back).· I put a 1w amplifier to make the speech loud enough.· There is an EEPROM for storing display messages on the clock(is cycles between the date/time and the message).
Very nice project! Can you post your code? About the only thing I see that may give you trouble is the RTC. I cannot tell from your pictures what chip you’re using, but many, like the DS1302 have mounting guidelines for the crystal since they’re sensitive to many things. One is heat and your regulator is almost touching it. Other than that everything looks great! And by the way, I am no master at milling cases myself.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I did have one question about the PINK. When sending UDP, does the register that tells you an incomming UDP message has arrived get set before the actual message gets set? I have had a little problem with that and it seems a pause after reading the "got message" and actually reading the message has fixed it.
There is no issue that I am aware of. The most likely thing I can think of is that if your SERIN times out before the message was sent perhaps you’re seeing your own previous data? I can certainly retest the routine. In my tests I sent out a message and then waited for the receive bit to be set, immediately retrieving the return message and displaying it. So there should be no issues there. Are you pausing before sending the command to retrieve the message or after (before your SERIN)?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Computer Geek 101) : 12/6/2007 6:19:26 PM GMT
Can you post what it was? I may help someone else avoid the same issue in the future. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support