Reading RFID tag using AVR with C Programming
I'm pretty new to C programming and AVR and need some help. I am required to read 12-byte ASCII string via the TTL-level SOUT with a start and stop byte from parallax RFID reader. All communication is 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, non-inverted, least significant bit first (8N1).
I have managed to power up the RFID reader but I have no idea how I should read the unique ID of the RFID at all.
I know that I need to make use of the UART receiving pin i.e. PD0 or PB1 to read the bytes, but I have no idea how to write the code in C.
Can anybody help me with this ?
Thank you!
I have managed to power up the RFID reader but I have no idea how I should read the unique ID of the RFID at all.
I know that I need to make use of the UART receiving pin i.e. PD0 or PB1 to read the bytes, but I have no idea how to write the code in C.
Can anybody help me with this ?
Thank you!
"Read the datasheet" and lots of stuff about cheating on homework assignments, depends how ornry they are. Ask the question after doing your homework and they will all be too happy to help.
I would be happy to help but I won't just write the program for you.
Do the searching, read the datasheet and ask a specific question that you do not understand. Perhaps just jump to the site and ask over there. If you do your homework and ask this way you may get a dozen or more replys and get the job done. I will keep an eye out for your post over there.
You better post the AVR you are using as well as there are many AVR chips.
It is simple though, you just set up the baud rate and turn the transmitter and receivers on and use an interrupt to bufffer the data as it comes in. I can't help with C code but I can in Assembler.
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!