Bs2p40 eeprom full

I then purchased the BS2P40 with more I/O's and memory.
I have never used the BS2P40.
I changed the directive to ' {$STAMP BS2p} and got my new commands & I/O's but I still get EEPROM FULL.
It's supposed to be 8 x 2K EEPROM.
What am I doing wrong?
Please help,
··········· Scott
As Computer Geek 101 mentioned, when you get 8 x 2K EEPROM, it's set up as separate 2K areas.
You don't just get a larger "2K" area so your "EEPROM full" message won't go away by itself.
Depending on how you've filled up the 2K space, there might be some relatively easy ways to
squeeze the program down. If you've got a lot of messages, they're easy to move to other 2K "slots"
as DATA statements, then have a subroutine in your program to transmit / display them. If you've
got a lot of logic, there's often a lot of repeated stuff that can be moved to subroutines and called
with GOSUBs.
in your main program make the directive like this:
' {$STAMP BS2p, clock_x0.bsp, clock_x1.bsp, clock_x2.bsp}
it will do it on its own