Basic stamp not found - cannot load program in
I have connected BS2 using USB and editor cannot transfered the program.
says BS2 not found...also what is the deal with COM ports ??
please help,
program compiles and I connected 9 V DC batterry to it..
thanks ,
I have connected BS2 using USB and editor cannot transfered the program.
says BS2 not found...also what is the deal with COM ports ??
please help,
program compiles and I connected 9 V DC batterry to it..
thanks ,
editor version : 2.3.9
basic stamp controller : BS2 Rev. G
connecting controller with PC thought : USB
power supply : 9 V DC
cannot transfer program to chip...
any suggestions??
hurryy up..
Which version of their USB driver are you using?
Which version of Windows are you using?
What steps are you going through?
What happens?
What kind of error messages do you get?
No USB adapter.....I am connecting single wire from my computer's USB port to circuit board's USB port..and wire is which comes with most camera's Big USB plug to small USB plug...
Which version of their USB driver are you using?
No driverr needed...Windows XP has default driver
Which version of Windows are you using?
Windows XP professional
What steps are you going through?
Write program
compile program -> key
connect circuit
attach power barrety 9v dc to circuit
On board LED turns on
press run button
On board purple and red led fleshes couple times
New window pops up and named Download Progresss
port Device Type Version Loopback Echo
COM10 Yes Yes
COM3 No Yes
Download status 0%
New Error window
NO Basic Stamps found
nothing happens now after I click ok on error
Try to install usb drivers anyway. I had a similar problem, restarted my pc, hooked up the usb cable, then went thru the new hardware wizard to install new drivers. It worked for me anyway,...also using XP pro. Maybe try to delete com3 ?!?
removed port 3 and installed new USB drivers....doesnt help...
runnig out of time
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support