board of education
i·have a motor mind·b connected to basic stamp 2 board (board of education) and following the schematic i had connected a dc motor. now what the shematic is not clear about is adding an additional external battery. any recomentations.
This shows a Motor Mind with an encoder (which you can ignore) and the connections for separate batteries, one 5V supply for the logic on the Motor Mind and one 12V supply for the motor. The motor supply doesn't have to be 12V. The datasheet gives the range of allowable voltage for the motor supply.
Does that help? If not, you will need to be much more explicit about what you don't understand.
let me explain what happen
the first time i tried i connected the Vmotor to the Vss on the board which give 5V the motor did work for 10sec and then it shut off
now if i connecte it this way the motor wont work and the red light on the motor mind come on
so i thought maybe the voltage is low then i got a battery i connected the battery to the DC motor just to check if it still work and it did work
now i have connected the way you suggested the red light is off however the motor does not work
i would like to thank you very much for your help