
Hello everyone,
I'm having one hec of a time cramming all my code into my BOE. There is future up grades that just will not fit like.
BIG Question???
BS2e released in NOV. 07.
Should I just switch to the new board and save some sleepless nights?
1) Can I just move my code over and not miss a beat?
2) Will the extra ram have to be switch in or out to use?
thanks for any help
I'm having one hec of a time cramming all my code into my BOE. There is future up grades that just will not fit like.
BIG Question???
BS2e released in NOV. 07.
Should I just switch to the new board and save some sleepless nights?
1) Can I just move my code over and not miss a beat?
2) Will the extra ram have to be switch in or out to use?
thanks for any help
However, the timing of instructions on the BS2e is exactly the same as on the original BS2, so with that one you can move the code over and truly not miss a beat. On the 'pe there are a few small timing differences you might have to adjust, but it shouldn't cause you a sleepless night. Almost everything is exactly the same between the BS2, BS2e and BS2pe.
The main program RAM is the same on all the chips, 26 bytes of general purpose storage for variables. But the BS2e and BS2pe have an additional scratchpad RAM that is good for temporary storage. They also have more eeprom for programs and data. And yes, have to switch from slot to slot to use it. In the BS2, you have 2048 bytes for your program and data. In the BS2pe that is expanded to 8 * 2048 bytes for program and data + 8 * 2048 bytes for additional data. That extra eeprom is organized as separate slots of 2048 bytes each, and your program will have to use the RUN and STORE commands to move between them. You will have to stay up late and learn how it works!
Tracy Allen
If you use more than one code page, make sure that you keep similar variable declarations on each page, otherwise it will produce unpredictable results.·
The scratchpad RAM can be used for passing variables between code pages.· SPRAM works in byte-sized chunks, but it can also accept word sized variables by using the WORD modifier.· It's a great way to store temporary variables on the fly without having to·save to·eeprom.
If you haven't already done so, take a look at the command set in the PBasic Syntax Guide.··It shows which commands are common to each chip and what some of the differences are.