Programming problem with BS2pe
i have built a GUI in VB that gathers order entry data for download to a BS2pe. the VB program can not access the serial port while the DEBUG command window is running and the DEBUG command window will not run while the VB program has the serial port open. i know the GUI work because of a test program i wrote for the BS2pe that does not use a DEBUG command. It only runs a SERIN command and then waits indefinately for the 8 byte data stream to be downloaded and then writes it to the EEPROM or SPRam. this works fine, but when i placed the code into the main program and then asked that the user close the DEBUG window while using the VB interface, the program just stops at the SERIN command. i placed a DEBUG command before the SERIN to see if i was getting to it, and i was, BUT ANY DEBUG commands or anything else after the SERIN will not execute. i need a way to let VB access the port to download the data and still have the DEBUG window running or a way to get the DEBUG command window to come back up once the SERIN command gets the data. i have tried every combination of code placement i can think of, and i just can not find a way to get this to work right......ANYONE have any ideas??
thanks Dan
thanks Dan
thanks· Dan
Jeff T.
The BASIC Stamp cannot force the DEBUG window to open. This is only done at download time if there is a DEBUG statement in the program. Once it has been closed it must be opened again manually. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support