Communication between BS2 and BS2P (Transfering Compass angle HM55B)
i'm controlling my robot using BS2P.·Due to insufficient I/O i put Hitachi HM55B digital compass in a BS2 board. I want to transfer the compass angle in BS2 board to the BS2P main board. it was successful.·But i have two problems.
··· 1) First problem is In BS2P board the compass angle never update. What ever direction i turn the·compass It always gives the first angle i recieved. But in BS2 board i can get the angle accurately.
··· 2) Second problem is sometimes in BS2P board i get wrong angles. Sometimes i feel like some data is being lossed.
·I have attached the codes i was using.
Plese help me
··· 1) First problem is In BS2P board the compass angle never update. What ever direction i turn the·compass It always gives the first angle i recieved. But in BS2 board i can get the angle accurately.
··· 2) Second problem is sometimes in BS2P board i get wrong angles. Sometimes i feel like some data is being lossed.
·I have attached the codes i was using.
Plese help me

In the BS2p SERIN 0, 240,200, waitack, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC3 sData]
and the BS2 SEROUT Serial_Pin, BMode, [noparse][[/noparse]DEC angle,10]
it may help synchronize the data, I added a little extra wait time in the BS2p also.
Jeff T.