Parallax @ Radio Shack
I see that Radio Shack has a few sensors listed now that are just starting to show up as available in store here in the NE Ohio area and was wondering if anyone knew if they were going to start offering SX or propeller kits also.
Post Edited (Oper8r Al) : 11/29/2007 4:17:09 AM GMT
Post Edited (Oper8r Al) : 11/29/2007 4:17:09 AM GMT
One of our goals is to get the Propeller products into the stores. This takes lots of time to plan with a company like RadioShack. A good idea can take three years to enact with them. I suggest you keep buying the Propeller parts from us. RadioShack won't be selling any of the SX parts.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Thanks for the quick reply. I was just wondering because sometimes it is easier to spend cash than to try and explain to the wife the items on the credit/debit card. I would prefer to buy direct from parallax but just thought I would ask.
The simple answer there is to take your cash either to your local bank, or to the local post office and purchase a money order. I can ASSURE you Parallax has no problem processing money orders of any size
In my own case, money orders drawn at my own bank cost me nothing, as they're deemed a customer convenience item for customers of the bank. FWIW I bank at Bank of America. That money order policy should be the same throughout the country. I use them all the time when I want to "hide" purchases from those who don't understand the NECESSITY of hobby purchases
Bruce Bates
Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 11/29/2007 5:07:57 AM GMT
I almost bought a PING to just play with it, but other project priorities required me to avoid the distraction! Next time!
"Hide purchases" This will amuse me all day long, thanks guys!!!
PS - I went to store #01-1223, in case you're keeping track.
Brian - home of SpinStudio
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller!
SD card Adapter
Been considering a alternative address for my packages. Had three sample packages arrive, and
have been accused of spending money on my hobby. (Yes I like cash purchases too! Thanks Radio Shack!)
Remember boys, don't accept those Radio Shack bags, and ditch the receipt! [noparse]:)[/noparse] he he!
@Alan: You aren't far from me.. You should drop in on our Propeller group in Orrville some month!
@Update: Yuppers, looks like everything is in stock near me too! Nicely done!
Just getting started with Propeller?
Propeller Cookbook
Post Edited (Oldbitcollector) : 11/29/2007 11:36:31 PM GMT
thanks parallax!
I usually do end up getting a money order when I am ordering necessary hobby purchases that my better half doesn't think are necessary. The only problem with that is that requires me to have patience waiting for the order to get to parallax and then back to me, and I need to work on having patience. As they say patience is a virtue but I want it NOW!.
@ Oldbitcollector· I'll send you and e-mail about the propeller group. Thanks for the offer.
Post Edited (Oper8r Al) : 11/30/2007 4:05:37 AM GMT
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Brian - home of SpinStudio
PropNIC - Add ethernet ability to your Propeller!
SD card Adapter
The other product we sell through RadioShack is the BASIC Stamp Activity Kit, and it continues to do very well with RS customers.
The buyer of Parallax parts supported and defended his vision all the way up to ensure success with the plan. Let's hope it works out!
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Equipped with his 5 senses, man explores the world around and calls his adventure science
-Edwin Hubble
At the RS right down the block, they've got photos of Parallax products on the parts bin drawers and they have a number PIRs, PINGs, Memsics and Taos Color Sensors in stock. Plus WAM with the the included Stamp and Dev. board. Prices put 'em about comparable with online at Parallax (since you don't have to pay RS shipping on top of it, it's about the same).
I will say this, though -- the sensors are just in sealed packaging bags -- that might be OK for something solid like the Taos, but it seems like the Pings could get pretty beat up.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro. -- HST