IR Remote circuit using Radio Shack IR detector
I am trying to set up an IR Detection circuit. I have 1 IR detector from Radio Shack(Model 276-172), 2V 40 MA. I am using the circuit on Page 9 of the IR Remote for the BOE-BOT. I am using a universal remote set to SONY TV and the IrRemoteButtonDisplay code the capture buttons. It doesn't work. I am not sure if I have the correct IR Detector for this circuit. I am a Newbie at all of this. The detector in the book has ECB connectors but my detector has only an anode and cathode. I switched between using the 470Ohm and 220Ohm resistor but neither worked.
I've tried:
1. Anode--->Resistor--->Pin 9
2. Anode--->jumper
>Pin 9
What am I missing?
I've tried:
1. Anode--->Resistor--->Pin 9
2. Anode--->jumper
>Pin 9
What am I missing?
The Parallax IR receiver is a complete IR receiving system capable of down converting the complex 48KHz modulated signals from the Sony remote.
What I suspect you have is an IR detector which is only a small part of a IR receiving system
I hope this helps.
An IR Remote "modulates" the signal (blinks it on and off) at a 38 Khz rate. 38 Khz is too fast for the BS2 to get it -- but the Module above will convert a series of 38 Khz 'blinks' into a single 'on' pulse -- which the BS2 can measure the length of. This is more or less the same device as the Parallax IR Decoder module.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 11/28/2007 7:02:14 PM GMT