Whats the SX good for?
I am looking into different micro controllers, and I was wondering what the SX chip is best at? It seems that it is very good at control applications, but what are some other uses of it? How do all of the sensors offered by Parallax work with it? Any problems with any of them? I am working with robotics applications with lots of servos, dc motors, and sensors, and I was wondering if the SX would do the trick, or if there is a better option. Thanks in advance.
I am looking into different micro controllers, and I was wondering what the SX chip is best at? It seems that it is very good at control applications, but what are some other uses of it? How do all of the sensors offered by Parallax work with it? Any problems with any of them? I am working with robotics applications with lots of servos, dc motors, and sensors, and I was wondering if the SX would do the trick, or if there is a better option. Thanks in advance.
The SX is a fast 8-bit control processor that usually is run at 5V, but can run at 3.3V as well. Like the Propeller, the SX can interface to any sensor that Parallax offers. Some may require some interface logic. Some may require an analog to digital converter. Many of the Stamps use an SX for their microprocessor.
The SX has less memory than the Propeller, but that may not be as important as you think for some applications. Programming the SX is not as straightforward as the Propeller. There's a bit of special case handling, but the SX/B compiler handles a lot of it for you. There's only a single processor, but the interrupt mechanism is very efficient and the software allows the use of "virtual peripherals" that work at interrupt level. The SX can run at higher speeds than the Propeller if you only need the single processor and your task is well suited to the 8-bit processor.
The SX48 has twice the code space and twice the RAM of the SX20/28. But is the same price.
The SX48 also has two 16-bit timer/counters.
The SX line is also a good option for cost sensitive applications. $1.89/1000.
Or for space constrained designs (SX20AC/SS).
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