Hardware not found
I did a search on the forum for this but came up with nothing. Basic Stamp 1 Rev DX I get a hardware not found when I try to load a program. I am using the Parallax supplied cable. Had a 7.5Vdc wall wart then changed to a 9V battery to the clips. Same error. Help

- Stephen
If you're using the parallel port programming cable, the DOS editor should work. Make sure it's wired correctly to the Stamp and the power is on.
I am using a wall trans. of 7.5V dc I wired it to Vin and Vss. I just tried another stamp I had here and it loaded ok using the serial port. I get confused with the windows editor such as V2.3.8 I cannot find the
····· LOAD like I have in the dos editor. Just RUN· Does RUN load it into the stamp also? I am afraid I may have damaged the original stamp somehow.I would think the thing would have reset by now from low voltage. Thanks for any and all help.
If you try to use a serial port for programming a BS1 without the proper adapter, you can damage it.