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an example program needed for school project (boe bot) ;D — Parallax Forums

an example program needed for school project (boe bot) ;D

boudiboudi Posts: 7
edited 2008-01-17 15:50 in Learn with BlocklyProp
hello there,

can anyone post me an example program of a maze,
if possible also a picture of the maze so i know how it works
it would me help so much for my school project
the things i bought are:
-a boe bot (microsoft version)
- a gripper kit
- a ping sensor
-a remote

an example program will be such a help [noparse]:D[/noparse] just to figure some things out
with friendly greets (and with crappy english [noparse]:D[/noparse])



  • Steve JoblinSteve Joblin Posts: 784
    edited 2007-11-24 18:34
    A common approach for navigating through a simple maze is called the "right hand rule"... just follow down a path following the wall on the right side of the robot... it may not be the fastest, but if you keep following the wall on the right side, you will eventually make it to the end. You can also follow the left wall as well, you just need to be consistent. Also note that this approach does not work if the maze has an "island".
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-11-24 18:46
    Download the "Robotics with the BoeBot" tutorial from here first (,ProductName) and work through the various exercises. Also work through the exercises that go with the gripper and PING and download the "IR Remote for the BoeBot" tutorial from here (,ProductName) and work through those exercises.

    A maze is like an unknown house at night without any electricity and all you have is your hand and maybe a little flashlight. There are rooms with openings between them and you don't have any information about where you are or how to get from one place to another. There may be things like closets that seem to be a room, but you can't find another opening.

    You could build a maze in a large open room with little walls made of thin wood or fiberboard just a bit taller than the robot and with spaces large enough for the robot to turn around in.
  • boudiboudi Posts: 7
    edited 2007-11-27 16:57
    yea but does anyone got an example program of a maze programmed in bs2 ? oO
  • ValchrisValchris Posts: 3
    edited 2008-01-17 15:50
    When i first got the ping sensor i was a little lost, I found this program on the parallax site and it helped me alot to build my own. I take no credit for it's writing and it's been undisturbed from the original way i found it (except i changed the constants to match my design). It's a good base to get you started. Good luck
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