need help with handheld tablet algebratic device
I·just thought about getting back to my hobby which is electronics. I have planned out a device that is like a calculator but does all kinds of equations, and help the user learn how to do them.
While thinking about it,·the idea·is quite easy.
Yestoday i thought about buying PIC and programming in C because i just started learning C a few days ago.
But i realized that i had a Basic stamp 2 (Boe-Bot) lying around so i wanted to use that.
I need to find a good graphical LCD, and·I kno alot of VB and i just started learning basics and am ok. But the problem is i dont get the codes used in PBasic to communicate with the microcontroller.
like SEROUT TX, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdOn3, LcdCls]· in one of the parallax LCD examples.
is there a format for the serout code?
Basic is so easy because its like Visual Basic but striped down. Its the Pbasic code for different hardwares i dont get. If i buy a lcd how can i communicate with it. I also hacked a chatnow communicator and took the graphical lcd from there.·how can i communicate with that?
i was also thinking about touch screen.
when all is said and done, i·can·look like an iphone.
But who cares, i just want graphic lcd and touch screen maybe for GUI.
Post Edited (Bladers) : 11/22/2007 6:46:30 AM GMT
While thinking about it,·the idea·is quite easy.
Yestoday i thought about buying PIC and programming in C because i just started learning C a few days ago.
But i realized that i had a Basic stamp 2 (Boe-Bot) lying around so i wanted to use that.
I need to find a good graphical LCD, and·I kno alot of VB and i just started learning basics and am ok. But the problem is i dont get the codes used in PBasic to communicate with the microcontroller.
like SEROUT TX, baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdOn3, LcdCls]· in one of the parallax LCD examples.
is there a format for the serout code?
Basic is so easy because its like Visual Basic but striped down. Its the Pbasic code for different hardwares i dont get. If i buy a lcd how can i communicate with it. I also hacked a chatnow communicator and took the graphical lcd from there.·how can i communicate with that?
i was also thinking about touch screen.
when all is said and done, i·can·look like an iphone.
But who cares, i just want graphic lcd and touch screen maybe for GUI.
Post Edited (Bladers) : 11/22/2007 6:46:30 AM GMT
lol i am learning as i speak, i just looked into the serout and i got that part [noparse]:)[/noparse]
but i am yet to find good lcd that will be big enough for solving algebra 3 equations on and can work on BS2.
Post Edited (Bladers) : 11/22/2007 7:22:26 AM GMT
and i hope thats goods?
since touch screen is no where to be found i think i can use this