goto be a simple way to get this fraction loop to work in BS2- I'm missing som
gratio····· VAR byte
gratiofrac VAR word
DO WHILE pb5kill = 0 AND pb0estop = 1
SEROUT 7, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]148, "Gear Ratio " ,DEC2 gratio,".",DEC2 gratiofrac]
BUTTON pb2left, 0, 20, 1, pbcountleft, 0, rjnext1
gratiofrac = gratiofrac + 1
IF gratiofrac = 0 THEN gratio = gratio + 1
BUTTON pb3right, 0, 20, 1, pbcountright, 0, rjnext2
gratiofrac = gratiofrac - 1
IF gratiofrac = 99 THEN gratio = gratio - 1
What I have is a left arrow to increase a gear ratio factor for my tachometer program.· And a right arrow to decrease it.
The issue is garatiofrac counts up to 255 cause it a word.· I want it to roll over and add a whole number to the variable gratio and reset itself to zero.· NOT continue to 255.
Can I limit the varible to only count up to 99 and reset to zero?· commands MIN and MAX don't seem right for this...
Thank You,
Thank You,
Rob Jackson
gratiofrac VAR word
DO WHILE pb5kill = 0 AND pb0estop = 1
SEROUT 7, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]148, "Gear Ratio " ,DEC2 gratio,".",DEC2 gratiofrac]
BUTTON pb2left, 0, 20, 1, pbcountleft, 0, rjnext1
gratiofrac = gratiofrac + 1
IF gratiofrac = 0 THEN gratio = gratio + 1
BUTTON pb3right, 0, 20, 1, pbcountright, 0, rjnext2
gratiofrac = gratiofrac - 1
IF gratiofrac = 99 THEN gratio = gratio - 1
What I have is a left arrow to increase a gear ratio factor for my tachometer program.· And a right arrow to decrease it.
The issue is garatiofrac counts up to 255 cause it a word.· I want it to roll over and add a whole number to the variable gratio and reset itself to zero.· NOT continue to 255.
Can I limit the varible to only count up to 99 and reset to zero?· commands MIN and MAX don't seem right for this...
Thank You,
Thank You,
Rob Jackson
- Stephen
Thank You,
Rob Jackson
- Rick
I'm using GRATIO to be the "integer" of a decimal number and GRATIOFRAC to be the "decimal" part. When counting up in the decimal region I need to ADD one to GRATIO and reset GRATIOFRAC to 0.
I'm thinking the problem is inherent to the BUTTON command using a different VAR "pbcountleft" to track its repeat feature??
I'll listen to all ideas though! It has to be something so simple I'm missing and can't see!!! LOL
tachcontrol: '*** Tachometer *********************
COUNT 13, 250, tachcount 'tach input is pin 13
wheelRPM = tachcount * 80
engineRPM = (wheelRPM * gratio) + ((wheelRPM * gratiofrac)/100)
DO WHILE pb5kill = 0 AND pb0estop = 1
SEROUT 7, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]148, "Gear Ratio " ,DEC2 gratio,".",DEC2 gratiofrac]
BUTTON pb2left, 0, 20, 1, pbcountleft, 0, rjnext1
gratiofrac = gratiofrac + 1
IF gratiofrac = 0 THEN gratio = gratio + 1
BUTTON pb3right, 0, 20, 1, pbcountright, 0, rjnext2
gratiofrac = gratiofrac - 1
IF gratiofrac = 99 THEN gratio = gratio - 1
Thank You,
Rob Jackson
If you'd like some real help with your problem, providing the entire program might be a start. At present, it can't even be compiled to see where the error is occuring due to missing variable definitions (among other things).
Bruce Bates
gratio VAR byte
gratiofrac VAR byte ' ** change 'word' to 'byte', as word is not required here (word is 0-65535, byte is 0-255, nib is 0-15, bit is 0-1)
DO WHILE pb5kill = 0 AND pb0estop = 1
SEROUT 7, 84, [noparse][[/noparse]148, "Gear Ratio " ,DEC2 gratio,".",DEC2 gratiofrac]
BUTTON pb2left, 0, 20, 1, pbcountleft, 0, rjnext1
gratiofrac = gratiofrac + 1 ' ** in this case, gratiofrac is increasing, thus 99 will wrap to 100, and 255 will wrap to 0
' ** this means that the following logic is incorrect
' ** IF gratiofrac = 0 THEN gratio = gratio + 1
' ** use instead:
IF gratiofrac >= 100 THEN ' ** condition for incrementing gratio
gratio = gratio + 1 ' ** modify whole part
gratiofrac -= 100 ' ** correct for this in fractional part
' ** above I could have checked explicitly for gratiofrac = 100, and set it to 0
' ** however the above logic works for increments of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc, up to increment of 99.
' ** it follows same rules as when learning to add two large numbers, slightly optimized
BUTTON pb3right, 0, 20, 1, pbcountright, 0, rjnext2
gratiofrac = gratiofrac - 1 ' ** in this case, gratiofrac is increasing, thus 0 will wrap to 255, and 100 will wrap to 99
' ** again this logic is incorrect:
' ** IF gratiofrac = 99 THEN gratio = gratio - 1
' ** Solution is more challenging as STAMP doesn't do 'negative', but we know that the value should never be > 99
' ** We are working in 2's complement arithmatic here
' ** so assume any value > 99 as being a wrapped around negative number
' ** again, this is optimized for an decrement of 1 through 99 but no higher
IF gratiofrac >= 100 THEN
gratio = gratio - 1 ' ** modify whole part
gratiofrac = gratiofrac + 100 ' ** add back the fractional part which is 100* whole part.