Parallel stepper motor drivers
I have a Sherline stepper motor driver (controls 4 steppers) that runs my Sherline cnc mill.· I run·it with·EMC·software through the parallel port of a PC.· ·I would like to be able to·control this driver with a propeller chip but I don't have any specs on how the parallel port talks to the driver.· I assume this is pretty standard stuff, but I haven't been able to find anything on it.· Any ideas?
I have a Sherline stepper motor driver (controls 4 steppers) that runs my Sherline cnc mill.· I run·it with·EMC·software through the parallel port of a PC.· ·I would like to be able to·control this driver with a propeller chip but I don't have any specs on how the parallel port talks to the driver.· I assume this is pretty standard stuff, but I haven't been able to find anything on it.· Any ideas?
Normaly, you do have a DIR and a STEP signal for each motor. Thing remaining is finding out the pins.
DIR selects the direction.
STEP is a pulse for each step the stepper has to do. Watch out for the highest frequency possible, the controller won't do buffering.
Never use force, just go for a bigger hammer!
The DIY Digital-Readout for mills, lathes etc.:
Your Sherline EMC D25 printer connection will be like this,
The propeller needs to provide the step pulses at rates that allow for accelaration, max velocity and distance.
There have been a few forums on this and even a few objects.