Newbie ham project program error and serial hookup question
Hey Guys:
·I am a Ham operator and I came across a· circuit with a Basic Stamp II that I can control my radio remotely via DTMF.
I have 2 problems
1. I can't seem to figure out how too hook this up to program the Basic StampII chip ...Can I just use 4 wires direcly to the serial port? I can't seem to·find the hook up schematic?
2 Everytime I run the program it stops in one portion of the program...I am guessing that there is a syntax error and I am guessing its supposed to be "notMhz:" NOT ":notMhz" can someone confirm this? I have attached the program
·I am a Ham operator and I came across a· circuit with a Basic Stamp II that I can control my radio remotely via DTMF.
I have 2 problems
1. I can't seem to figure out how too hook this up to program the Basic StampII chip ...Can I just use 4 wires direcly to the serial port? I can't seem to·find the hook up schematic?
2 Everytime I run the program it stops in one portion of the program...I am guessing that there is a syntax error and I am guessing its supposed to be "notMhz:" NOT ":notMhz" can someone confirm this? I have attached the program

2) You're right. It has to be "notMhz:".
Thanks for pointing me in the correct link and checking the program...Looks like I can hook up the BSII to the com port with 2 caps?..I will give that a try.
what I am doing with· this BS2 is controlling my base ham radio from ANYWHERE from a cell phone. The circuit was originally designed for remote control of a ham radio with another radio but,·I took this one step further by getting a Skype account and a dial-in number. Now all I have to do is call in from ANY phone. But there is ONE small problem that maybe you can help me out with. On a ham radio you have a DTMF "pad" and how it differs from a MA Bell one is the radio one has A,B,C,D and the Bell one does not. This software was designed around a radio DTMF pad. I contacted the author and he has no desire to change it plus this was written in 1998 and he doesnt rember back that far.
·I would love to learn how to convert this software for my new up to date use. There is a few things I can get rid of in his code like there is a watch dog timer for the "link" radio which isnt being used any longer. Also there is some code to report back the frequency in morse code. which is no longer needed cause the newer radios have a voice reporter which will tell you the freq in a voice.
I am a very good hardware person but I really stink at the software part.could you either help or hook me up with some other hams who might be interested or benifit with a project like this? Or has anyone used a BSII to do home control with dtmf?
Thanks for your help and advise
Mike WA3O