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Wireless link between Propellers — Parallax Forums

Wireless link between Propellers

gsenesacgsenesac Posts: 3
edited 2007-11-18 18:34 in Propeller 1

I've been trying for some time to try and get two propellers communicating in 1 direction and I'm having some trouble. I'm currently using Linx wireless chips(XBee's aren't available to me in the time that I have to get them) and while I can oscillate a pin and receive this 101010 pattern, I still cannot send a data word and receive it at the other end.
I've tried different methods, I used FullDuplexSerial to output a word and then tried to use the same to receive, I've tried to use SHIFTOUT/SHIFTIN from the BS2 object, but neither has worked.
I imagine that my problem is similar to if I had used XBee chips, but I'm not totally sure. Has anyone else experienced something similar, in that you receive data, but it doesn't look like what you sent at all?



  • Tom CTom C Posts: 461
    edited 2007-11-18 01:48

    I suggest that you take a look at the spin obj code that Steve Morris wrote to allow a Propeller to communicate serially with a Parallax eb500 Bluetooth transreceiver.

    You can find his spin obj code in the summer issue of Robot Mag under the "Follow Me" article.

    It works fine as I have used it to communicate with my rover from a Bluetooth equipped PC.

    Hope this helps.


    If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
  • gsenesacgsenesac Posts: 3
    edited 2007-11-18 18:34
    I took a look but I don't necessairily want to have to purchase a copy if I can find a solution for free. I didn't realize that Parallax sells transmitters and receivers which use the same Linx tx/rx's. I found a pdf of the sample code that they provide for the BS2, and I realized that I'm not using a pulse to initialize communication. I'll give that a try and see what happens. Thanks for your input,

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