Furnace run timer
I need to monitor the time my furnace is running, the thermostat outputs 24AC, will this setup work? Can anyone reccomend something better with common componets?

do while (in0 = 1)
do while (in0 = 0)
counter = counter+1
pause 1000
debug "Running Time", counter, "Seconds", cr
goto main
I guess I'll need a pullup on the pin too

do while (in0 = 1)
do while (in0 = 0)
counter = counter+1
pause 1000
debug "Running Time", counter, "Seconds", cr
goto main
I guess I'll need a pullup on the pin too
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Though im sure there is more efficient code for this. Im going to be doing something like this in another, larger project, so any suggestions on code would be appreciated.
Chris, thanks for the suggestion, for now I want to build this when I get home tonight. Radioshack barely sells resistors anymore, and the electronic places close at 5, so im limited to hardware I have on hand. I may use that idea if I go anywhere with this circuit, for now its just to see why my electric bill was $149 last month, Im thinking the 20kw electric furnace might have something to do with that. It wasnt even that cold...
Post Edited (GICU812) : 11/15/2007 4:31:08 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
What's the best thing to do in a lightning storm? "take a one iron out the bag and hold it straight up above your head, even God cant hit a one iron!"
Lee Travino after the second time being hit by lightning!
Actually it was from the Yahoo Group days, but I later had some issues with the temperature reading from the DS1620 which Tracy Allen helped me with and I reposted the project on the forums a few times. I could find one of the posts…Let me see…
Ah, here we go, I found the code for now…The LCD was using a PIC-an-LCD interface and the relay is self explanatory. Other connections are documented in the code.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Post Edited (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 11/16/2007 8:59:36 PM GMT