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Mobile PC and the BS2

quispqixquispqix Posts: 64
edited 2007-11-15 00:54 in General Discussion
O.K., I installed the demo version of PocketDOS. and then I put gwbasic and qbasic on board
and they both work dosshell works but the stylis won't work as a mouse. At work our talxon rf guns
use mobile pc and boot dos then linux and then our companies inventory services. So that is what started me into the DOS porting on my mobile pc. I have a copy of BASIC Stamp II (1995) it works. but that is what I need to port to the bluetooth as com 1 or 2 BASIC Stamp I might work on the mobile
but I'm not sure if bluetooth will port to the bs1
Also for batch files on the mobile edit works and so does copy con, I'd like edlin, but I have not tried it yet!

I do work for food!
skype me: quispqix
Echolink: 184783
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