Posts: 3
Post Edited (abhinavnalluri) : 11/4/2009 7:29:13 AM GMT
Post Edited (abhinavnalluri) : 11/4/2009 7:29:13 AM GMT
2) The wheel motors on the BoeBot are what are called "continuous motion servo motors". These can be made to stop or to move at variable speed either forward or backwards and the BoeBot could stop very quickly (if it is not moving too fast ... it could slide or slip if so). You don't have to reverse the motor.
3) The BoeBot can time its movement. The timing isn't absolutely precise, but should be more than accurate enough for your purposes.
4) There is a whole tutorial on using a remote control with a BoeBot to send any kind of commands you want. It would be easy to use this to command the distance to move and to start the movement.
5) There is an "encoder" add-on to the BoeBot that provides for much better control of distance travelled than with a "stock" BoeBot. Have a look at the documentation that comes with it.
6) In summary, you need to download and look at several tutorials (Robotics and IR Remote for the BoeBot) and you need to download and look at the documentation for the wheel encoder for the BoeBot. The tutorials are available through links on the BoeBot page here: www.parallax.com/Store/Robots/RollingRobots/tabid/128/ProductID/302/List/1/Default.aspx?SortField=ProductName,ProductName.
The wheel encoder information is here: www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/BASICStampModules/tabid/134/List/1/ProductID/80/Default.aspx?txtSearch=wheel+encoder&SortField=ProductName%2cProductName. The BoeBot page I indicated is for the serial version. There is an almost identical USB version as well for PCs without an RS232 serial port.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/14/2007 6:33:17 AM GMT
You should only have to change one value to get the required distance.
The encoders will be the way to go. They will not only give you the distance travels, but they will help keep the bot going in a straight line. You just have to watch out for wheel slip.
Sounds like a great project.
Good luck.
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BoeBot is a differential drive robot. It can turn in its own diameter, but driving in a straight line is not its strong suit. Even with encoded wheel sensors you could see significant errors in directional control. If you have to drive to a line a set distance away directional control would be very important.
Adding an extended third wheel permits much more precise directional control.
Selecting one of eleven distance options would be simple. It could be performed using a five switch DIP switch. That might require five input pins.
- Stephen
How is the contest scored? I'm assuming that they grade based on how close you are to a destination point, and the speed at which you arrive.
- Stephen
With chagrin.
- Stephen
Plenty of online info to draw off of:
·"If you build it, they will come."