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pir, why is it not working — Parallax Forums

pir, why is it not working

hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
edited 2007-11-26 13:49 in General Discussion
Hello everyone,

This is my first time using the PIR and its not working. I bought 2 units and neither is working, so it must be me. I'm using the demo code and the cable from my LCD. My LCD is coming off pin 15 and I change the demo to that Pin.

1) The Program just Triggers and Clears, Triggers and Clears, Triggers and Clears...etc
2) The PIR is sitting on my desk behind a built up wall...nothing moving in front of it
3) I've left the room and came back and its count is still high.
4) I change the DIR Bits. on Pin 15

please help



  • LilDiLilDi Posts: 229
    edited 2007-11-13 18:51
    When you say the PIR is behind a built up wall, surely you don't mean the PIR is on the other side of a wall. The PIR needs line of sight. You can't even have the PIR behind glass. Some loose woven fabrics can be in front of the sensor, but thats about it.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2007-11-13 22:11
    I think he means he built a wall to isolate it since it is triggering without movement. How do you have it hooked up? you can put power to it and use an LED on the output to test it no stamp needed. Try that first.

    - Stephen
  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-13 23:35
    Hello Again,

    This PIR is running me in circles, I have 2 units and I can not get either of them working.
    1) I've put both in a Cardboard lid with 4 in. sides, pointing to the ceiling...constant trip/clear
    2) I've flipped the lid over to the flat side, PIR is flat, point to the ceiling....constant trip/clear
    3) I've even put it in a water pitcher with and w/o a lid and still the same results.
    4) I've tried hanging it over the desk to the floor and still the same.

    How should this be hooked up straight from the box.

  • LilDiLilDi Posts: 229
    edited 2007-11-14 00:54
    If you could provide a few more detail, that would help us help you.
    What is the brand and model number of the PIR sensor?
    Provide a schematic drawing of how it is hooked up.
    Provide the Stamp Basic code that is used to read the sensor.

    If the sensor is moving or vibrating, that can cause the sensor to trip.
    If the sensor is near a strong heat source, like a wall heater or baseboard heater, that can trip the sensor.

    Let us know!
  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-14 04:23
    PIR Problems,

    1) The cable came off my LCD to the PIR...back to LCD(still works)...back to PIR
    2) Its the Demo Program from Parallax(change to pin 15) same as LCD
    3) Pin 15 set to INPUT
    4) Boe-Bot Board
    5) #555-28027...From
    6) on flat table pointing straight up
    7) I have an LED on the board, like the demo code

    PIR PIN 15 ' I/O Pin For PIR Sensor
    LED PIN 9 ' I/O Pin For LED

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]

    counter VAR Byte ' Trip Counter

    [noparse][[/noparse] Initialization ]

    DEBUG CLS ' Clear DEBUG Screen
    FOR counter = 40 TO 0 ' Wait 40 Seconds For PIR Warm-Up
    DEBUG HOME, "WARMING UP:", DEC2 counter
    PAUSE 1000 ' Display Counter Every Second

    counter = 0 ' Clear Counter Variable

    DEBUG HOME, "WAITING... " ' Display Waiting Message

    [noparse][[/noparse] Program Code ]

    IF PIR = 1 THEN ' Motion Detected?
    counter = counter + 1 ' Update Trip Counter
    HIGH LED ' Light LED
    DEBUG HOME, "TRIPPED...", DEC3 counter
    DO : LOOP UNTIL PIR = 0 ' Wait For PIR To Clear
    DEBUG HOME, "CLEARED...", DEC3 counter
    LOW LED ' Turn Off LED


  • DgswanerDgswaner Posts: 795
    edited 2007-11-14 17:09
    do you have the jumper selecting the High/low setting?

    A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer. - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster
  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-14 23:46
    PIR Problem,

    Both Positions... with the Main Demo Program. On my desk pointing straight up

    1) Low Position--Constant...Triggering/Clearing. No amount of movement/sitting still makes a difference...Built up wall or not

    2) High Position--Constant...Triggering/Clearing. Waiving hand over top of unit cause the LED to stay on...Built up wall or not

    Out of the box how should this unit be mounted and tested???

    thanks for any help

  • LilDiLilDi Posts: 229
    edited 2007-11-15 00:07
    The URL document listed below will show you how to test and implement the PIR
  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-15 06:46

    I've printed out and read that info, thats were I got the software from.

    Under what condition should the counter(s) in the demo software be incrementing?

  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2007-11-15 08:41
    hmlittle59 -

    What is above this PIR which faces upwards (NOT a normal position)? If it's normal fluorescent lights, that should pose no particular problem. If there are incandescent lights, HID lights or heat recovery fluorescents above, that may be the problem.


    Bruce Bates

  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2007-11-15 14:49
    Sorry, new computer, no software. have you tried this yet? (Hope the picture comes across, if not I will try something else)

    - Stephen
    640 x 480 - 8K
  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-16 06:01
    PIR problem,

    Flat ceiling above, ceiling fan off to the side. Lights are off. still triggering and clearing.

    In the 'High' position and my hand waving over top does it stay green...Appears to be the trigger position.

    In the 'Low' position and my hand waving over top...Constant Trigger/Clear.


  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2007-11-16 06:19
    hmlittle -

    This is just an educated guess. It's probably the ceiling fan that's killing you. Whether this is a single stage PIR (I/R only) or dual stage (I/R and movement) the ceiling fan could trigger both since it provides both motion and a temperature differential from the circulated air. Additionally, the motor may provide some minimal I/R as well as it heats up.

    I'd turn the lights back ON, and turn the ceiling fan OFF, and give it another shot. If it still doesn't work, turn the lights back OFF and please describe what lind of lights are there.


    Bruce Bates

  • hmlittle59hmlittle59 Posts: 404
    edited 2007-11-16 07:12
    PIR problems,

    Fans been turned off the whole time(days), its now mounted back in the card board lid pointing down 3ft off the floor. still the same in high/low position.

    I'm about to give up and go and watch "Grass Grow"...Oh its almost winter, no luck there either.

    I've done Electronic/Programming and some common since. This baffles me to no end....


  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2007-11-16 21:09
    hmlittle59, contact me via phone or e-mail at Parallax and we'll just replace these for you. This thread was in a rarely monitored (non-Parallax supported) forum and this is the first I have seen of it. Rather than put you through more testing we will arrange to just exchange these out and I will hand-test replacements to make sure I know you're getting working units. Thanks everyone for your help. Take care.

    Chris Savage
    Parallax Tech Support
  • moultmoult Posts: 1
    edited 2007-11-26 13:49

    Could you please post the resolution to this problem? I just purchased 20 of these sensors and the first 8 have shown this exact behavior (haven't gotten top the last 12 yet). I am very reticent to say that it is anything but my own fault, but units for a previous order work and these do not. The behavior is identical to what has been described above and I know it is not normal because I have used these before. Is there any chance there was a bad batch?

    Incidentally, these are already installed into demo units that are shipping today. Do you have any thoughts for quick fixes? It would seem as though I am in a real pickle here. Thanks

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