Need Help with a circuit
I'm hoping someone can help me, I have a circuit that is pulsed for 20us each 50ms I have an LED directly attached that I want to stay lit for the full 50ms, because I can't see it flash at that extreme rate (20us). Any Ideas on how to make the LED Persist for 50-100 ms with only a 20us pulse applied, using just discrete components.
I really hope that made sense and that someone has an Idea on how to accomplish this.
I really hope that made sense and that someone has an Idea on how to accomplish this.
- Stephen
Tracy Allen
The LED Should be lit for about 50ms.
Google 555 timer and you will get the data sheet & schematics.
You can get the timer chips at Radio Shack for about $ 1.70
Seems to me the only "discrete component" you need is an SX28, with maybe a regulator if it's not battery powered. The code is trivial, and you can put all eight circuits into the one chip to boot!
Also you could choose whether you wanted rising or falling edge triggers, and with a couple of "raise/lower" buttons modify the LED on time, and with PWM even alter its brightness.
As far as power consumption is concerned, it would run for a very long time on batteries (depending on how often it is used and triggered); the SX can have a fast wake up with a sleep current in the order of 10 micro amps.
Come on folks, this is exactly the domain of the SX...... no other chips need apply!
Peter (pjv)
P.S. If you like I will write the code for you, and send you a programmed chip!
Theory of operation: The pulse comes and the capacitor charges quickly because the signal diode is a near short. The other load here is the LED, but the resistor limits the current flow so as to minimize load. The capacitor is a large load in the first instance, so be careful to use a size that does the job of lighting the LED for the time needed without killing the leading edge of the pulse. When the pulse ends, the capacitor is forced to discharge through the LED. The resistor and capacitor values determine how much current goes through the LED for a given time. This setup may not provide enough light to be detectable outdoors or in a bright room. You may not be able to make this work at all with a discretes-only circuit and you may have to use a 555 pulse-stretcher or other device.
I hope this helps.
Happy Holidays!
Phil, I like this Idea. Now I need to find Or gates in singles [noparse]:)[/noparse] ............................... Well it looks like Fairchild makes "Tiny Logic" Two input or gates in an SC70/5 package.
What Cap and Resistor would you Start with?
Post Edited (SailerMan) : 12/3/2007 3:45:08 AM GMT
As long as R x C = 50ms, you should be in the ballpark. Try 470K with 0.1µF to start. I'd breadboard it with a 74HC32 DIP first, just to make sure it works, since I haven't actually tried it.
Thanks, I'm not sure if I have 74HC32's I'll have to check when I get home tonight, but I'll definitely breadboard it first... I really do hope this works
Thanks for everyones input.
Hope this helps.
Happy holidays!
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I appreciated everyones help...
"in fact given an unlimited supply of 74x00, you can create anything" - That makes my head spin. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I doubt my circuit will work with TTL logic, since the input will source current to the cap. It needs to be CMOS. Lacking ICs from the appropriate logic family, I'd give Tracy's circuit with the MOSFET a go.
I think I attached it.
Post Edited (adrift) : 12/5/2007 4:01:29 AM GMT
Happy holidays!
Ok I had that breadboarded, but In your original E-mail, I used the suggested 10k Resistor. I will rebuild this circuit with a 1K on the collector, If I would have had my mind working last night I would have done that, but I was too tired. In any case thanks.
I will try you setup also... Thanks.
You're probably going to shoot me but I never noticed the Voltage you are using. I can't use 10 volts I only have 5 volts on the board. and the pulses are coming from an SX48 so I'm assuming they'll be 5v also..
I Guess my best bet is to try to route these 8 LED From the SX instead of using discrete components to stretch the pulse. What a pain on a double sided board. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I was hoping to use the same signal line as a way to light my indicator LEDs If only the Triggering time was 50 ms I'd be set. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
OK well Let's assume that my signal pulse was 50 ms... and that was long enough for the LED to be lit and be seen brightly.. I now just want to make sure that the LED does not load down the pulse.. Would I just use a simple NPN , Collector to Ground, Base to the pulse Signal and the Emitter throught a resistor and LED to 5v.