Preventing damage to my Basic Stamp
I want to experiment with generating high voltage arcs/spark using the BS2 as a controller. Basically, I will connect an output pin to the primary of an automobile ignition coil in series with a 220 ohm resistor and pulse the coil the same as in an auto ignition. I can experiment with differnet pulse widths and frequencies. I am concerned about counter emf from the collapsing secondary winding field zapping the BS2. I could hook a diode across the secondary to short circuit the reverse current, but I don't know of any diodes that can withstand the·high voltage·generated by an ignition coil.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help.
Like you, I am a newbie. However, all you are going to get out of the Stamp's output pin is five volts. More importantly, you will get MILLIAMPS, not amps! There needs to be more involved than a 220 ohm resistor. I am sure an expert will chime in, but I am thinking you need a very fast solid state relay to switch the amperage at the·12 volts you need to drive that coil.
Good luck and what kind of project is it?
You are what you write.
Gee. How about that FuturLec SSR you recommended to me to switch 24 amps at 12 volts? Might it be too slow? Your reply to his post kinda sounds like a description of the SSR.
By the way, their shipping is SLOW. Still waiting. I will probably call or e in two days.
Thank you again for the recommendation.
You are what you write.
A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer. - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster