Graphiocs Demo help! How can I cover the whole area of my 4 inch LCD ???
Posts: 15
· I am new to the propeller graphics "ability"·and·I am·trying to cover the whole are of my 4 inch LCD screen (479X234 NTSC)·using the Graphics _demo. How can I increase the screen buffer ? Increasing the number of tiles and adjusting the offset gives me weird results! It is displaying other page/s (?) data.·Has anyone has solved this problem ?
You have also to adjust the TV or VGA to the new size - the tiles must fit!
But you will most likely run out of memory when using double buffering..
These are the buffers:
bitmap_base = $2000
display_base = $5000
If you replace all instances of one with the other, you get rid of double buffering.
2) The compiler doesn't know how you're using the high end of memory (from $2000 to $7FFF) so it isn't included in the estimate of memory use.
Make sure you understand how the "_stack =" statement works in graphics_demo.spin and make a drawing of how memory is laid out with the display buffer(s). Make sure you understand how the graphics double buffering was done (look at the "copy" method in graphics.spin).
Take a look at this thread...
...The functions are similar to the TV graphics.· Be sure to scroll down and get·the latest version... 1.2
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
I remember seeing a demo that was at the last Embedded systems conference where a bunch of text was on the screen at the same time there were some graphics objects on the screen. I wonder if you could post that demo you guys had running? The limitations of the block size and the color limits wont really work for me to try this full screen, even at reduced rez. I really need say 8 fore and 8 back colors, with scalable font. I think for my needs the vga text drivers will be good enough. I was just hoping for line drawing along with the text drawing. But then, there are font characters that are lines, right? Maybe I can make due with what I have.
Thanks for pointing me to this code,
Krillis (aka Paul)