The Pololu Motor Controller and 9.6 volt battery pack
I am new to electronics and I have a question in regards to the The Pololu Motor Controller that I bought from Parallax.
In the pololu user guide (, it states that the motor power supply should stay between 1.8 and 9.0 volts.· Currently I have a 9.6 volt battery pack which I would like to use to power my motors.· Would the 0.6 volt difference·overpower and·destroy·the motor controller or the Basic Stamp? (just in case)
I am new to electronics and I have a question in regards to the The Pololu Motor Controller that I bought from Parallax.
In the pololu user guide (, it states that the motor power supply should stay between 1.8 and 9.0 volts.· Currently I have a 9.6 volt battery pack which I would like to use to power my motors.· Would the 0.6 volt difference·overpower and·destroy·the motor controller or the Basic Stamp? (just in case)
The Basic Stamps can run off higher voltages without damage, but the regulator doesn't have a heatsink and all the extra voltage gets turned into heat. The regulator will turn itself off if it gets too hot and the Stamp will stop working until it cools off.
One solution is to put two power diodes in series with the positive lead from the battery pack. Each diode will drop about 0.6V for a total of 1.2V giving a motor controller supply voltage of 8.4V. The excess voltage will get turned into heat so the diodes will get hot. Use diodes with a current rating at least twice that of the motors. Since the two motors can each draw 1A, pick diodes rated for at least 4A. RadioShack has diodes rated at 50V 6A (#276-1661) for example.
I have a couple of questions about decreasing the batteries voltage.
Do the power diodes have leads, or are they non-polar? What determines the voltage drop? What is the difference between a 6A and a 4A diode? ······What does the 50V mean, is that the maximum voltage that the diodes can handle?
····· Would two of the 50V 6A diodes work well with my battery pack and motors? Would it drop the voltage too much, or do all diodes drop the voltage by 0.6V?
last question.....
Is the attached schematic correct?
I appreciate all your help.
·· Technic-R-C
The cathodes face away from the positive battery terminal (towards the Pololu controller).
The 50V rating is the maximum reverse voltage that the diode will withstand.
The particular power diodes I mentioned (and similar ones) come with what are called axial leads. Look at the picture on the
RadioShack website and you'll see.
The voltage drop is determined by the construction of the diode including the materials it's made from. The voltage drop also
varies with the current through the diode. Most diode datasheets will have a graph of this voltage (Vf or forward voltage)
in relation to the current through the diode. 0.6 is a typical minimum.
The current rating of a diode is determined mostly by the construction of the diode including how the leads are attached and
is partly a function of heat and how well and how rapidly it can be dissipated. Diodes (and transistors and integrated circuits)
usually have small leads internally and these will melt like a fuse if they have to carry too much current for their design.
This Pololu speed control looks like the way to go for controlling motor speeds?
I asked recently about how to control a motor speed, and·am now researching how to use·H-bridges and·L293D??
Why·not this controller?
(and thanks for everyone's help!)
You won't learn as much about controlling motor speed and direction, but that may not be that important to you.
Post Edited (Technic-R-C) : 11/12/2007 5:31:56 AM GMT
I just went to their website and looked up the L293D and went through their list of different variations in vendors
and package types to find a PDIP package available in quantities of 1.
1) Use 1/2 of a 556 dual timer to provide the pulses with a digital pot to set the pulse width and the other half to set the pulse repetition rate.
2) Use something like the PWMPAL to independently do the pulsing
3) Use the Pololu.
Thanks for all the help.
J.T.: The entire idea behind the Pololu Dual Serial Motor controller is to make it a "set and forget" device... that is, you send a serial command once to the unit and it will keep doing what you tell it to do until you send it a new command. You can send commands frequent and often, so if you wanted to ramp up the speed of a motor, for example, you could create a "" loop that would slowly increase the speed each time through the loop.
something like:
FOR SPEED = 0 TO 127
SEROUT 1,32,[noparse][[/noparse]$80,0,0,SPEED]
If you want it to ramp up quickly, reduce the pause amount; if you want it to ramp up slowly, increase the pause amount.
I have used the great little Pololu Dual Serial controller with great success. Plus, I agree with the comments concerning Pololu's support.
You are what you write.