Run Time
I am new at this but wondering if I can execute code without the use of the Basic Stamp Editor. IS there a run time engine and can you tokenize the BAS files to operate the run time? I would like to build stand alone executables with source code to send and receive information from my Stamp.
The Basic Stamp "tokenizer" is downloadable from Parallax for use as a DLL. You might be able to use that from your program to take a computer generated source program, compiler it to byte codes, and download it (yourself) to the Stamp. I'm not sure if the BS1 tokenizer is available this way since it's separate from the BS2 tokenizer and the download protocol is different.
You might consider the Prop Dongle from Hitt Consulting ( It's more expensive (like $70), but vastly more powerful and can be powered and controlled via the USB port. There's a simple Basic interpreter that runs on it that can be programmed via the USB port and can control the I/O pins brought out to the breadboard area.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/11/2007 5:57:57 AM GMT