Which transmitter should I use with a BS2
Want to APRS, compas back to moble laptop
Is my best path to use a BS2 and a transmitter?
If so, has anyone done it or similar stuff? I'm looking for a hardware and software solution.
this is my first project.
Is my best path to use a BS2 and a transmitter?
If so, has anyone done it or similar stuff? I'm looking for a hardware and software solution.
this is my first project.
Have you looked at the RF transmitters/receivers/transceivers that Parallax sells?
Have you looked at their documentation and sample programs?
Look up xBee on the internet. Martin Hebel at Selmaware (www.selmaware.com)
used to sell xBee adapters for the Stamp. He no longer does this, but his website has some pictures
and descriptions. SparkFun Electronics has some adapter boards for xBee modules and it's possible
to duplicate what Martin had sold.
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting Software
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
You likely will find parts of a solution and some guidance on how the parts go together.
For example, you will find sample code for sending arbitrary data and instructions for
connecting a wireless transceiver to a Stamp. You will also find lots of information on
the use of a particular compass (the HM-55B) with a Stamp processor, but nothing on
specifically sending direction information to a laptop from the compass. There are too
many ways to do that and all of them can work for different applications. For the APRS
information, it depends on what you're using for the receiver and how that would connect
to something else. It probably involves some kind of serial data stream and there are
basic examples for that in the Stamp Manual, but you won't find anything specific for APRS.
There are also programs available for the laptop to make it easier to get information into it
like StampPlot. That's specifically intended for getting sensor information for plotting and
graphing purposes, but could be used for logging and presenting direction information.
Again, its use would have to be adapted for your purpose, but it might be able to be done
As others said, XBee would be a good one for RF communication. I did a project an year ago to read data from GPS, Compass and 2-axis accelerometer using BS2 and transmit data wirelessly to a laptop.
Check this link out...
I used appmods from selmaware to mount the xbee on the BS2.
Don't forget that Martin is just a small operation with a lot more overhead than SparkFun's. $7 is only $4 more than $2.95 and $4 doesn't buy that much these days. Be careful making simple comparisons. If Martin's board is more convenient than SparkFun's, the $4 difference may be cheap in terms of the time and inconvenience. On the other hand, SparkFun's may be just you want and you've saved $4 too.
Steve, what Mke said, and it may be a little lower- I'm pricing boards if I have more made. But even then, it won't be worth the time I'll spend invoicing, packaging,stopping off to ship it, etc. I do it as a convience. Lacking on SparkFun is a manual showing users how to interface the device to their controller of choice with code examples, or a Propeller Object to access the higher modes of it, nor probably any support on device/code issues on the forums. And I hope you have room on your Boe-Bot for a 20 pin DIP package from Sparkfun along with room for a 3.3V regulator and 5V to 3.3V interfacing circuitry! Ok, probably sounds madder than I intended, but the point is I spent a lot more time and effort than simply shipping a breakout board. I have one (plus) full time jobs, hobbies are expensive [noparse]:)[/noparse]
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting Software
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
SURE you were part of it. I still remember when I could not figure out where I was going wrong with the XBee development boards from MaxStream. Using these appmods was pretty straight forward and there were sample codes available. All I did was change the code as per my requirement. Thanks a lot.
Again, gentlemen, my sincerest apologies.
Sorry for hijacking the thread Satish!
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting Software
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies