Relay question- D2W203F
I just recieved two shiney new D2W203F solid state relays from Parallax today, but they aren't working- I think.
I'm using them to turn on and off a DC motor, but when I wrote a very simple program to test it, the motor was on all the time.
I have the coil connections ground to ground(vss), and positive to 220 ohm resitor to pin 7.
The program is:
High 7
pause 2000
Low 7
Pause 5000
When I tested it, the motor just ran, so I disconnected the motor and hooked up my Fluke to test resistance.· It basically just goes from 12 mohms to 16 mohms in a loop.
So does that mean this relay doesn't fully open?· I noticed the relay says 3A 240 VAC on it.· Don't tell me I got a relay that won't work on DC.·
I need a solid state relay that will switch on and off 12DC.· Did I get the wrong stuff?· If so, what's the right stuff?
I'm using them to turn on and off a DC motor, but when I wrote a very simple program to test it, the motor was on all the time.
I have the coil connections ground to ground(vss), and positive to 220 ohm resitor to pin 7.
The program is:
High 7
pause 2000
Low 7
Pause 5000
When I tested it, the motor just ran, so I disconnected the motor and hooked up my Fluke to test resistance.· It basically just goes from 12 mohms to 16 mohms in a loop.
So does that mean this relay doesn't fully open?· I noticed the relay says 3A 240 VAC on it.· Don't tell me I got a relay that won't work on DC.·
I need a solid state relay that will switch on and off 12DC.· Did I get the wrong stuff?· If so, what's the right stuff?
You need a DC output device like the Crydom CMX Series, which DigiKey carries.
Post Edited (Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)) : 11/9/2007 6:47:13 PM GMT
Easier would just be to use an MOSFET directly. A logic level MOSFET like the IRL511 will work. You can also use a conventional junction power transistor. There are examples in the Stampworks manual and in the What's a Microcontroller? tutorial shown switching a relay. The same idea works for DC motors. You need a reverse polarity diode across the motor and, for a junction transistor, you need a series resistor in the base lead that will limit the base current to something like 20mA (like 220 ohms).
First, anyone wat to buy two brand new SSR's?
Second, what about this one:
Also, I need to reverse direction of the motor for a split second (for a brake) which is why I purchased two relays.· Can I do that with what you are describing?