I own a Mac OSX Tiger computer and i'm having a problem with opening up MacBS2 2.1b1. I already intalled the FTDI USB Serial Driver. Still having a problem. As i open the MacBS2 it tells me that the tokenizer isn't found or installed. According to Tech Support as I open the MacBS2 it should give me the option of installing to Hard Drive. and its not doing that. They also tell me that those are the onlt two things i need. Is that true??
Unfortunately since we do not have a Mac in the office there is no way for us to know the exact installation procedures for a Mac. The author of the software should have some installation instructions on his website. There are also a few members of these forums who have used that software and might be able to help.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Q: For some reason, MacBS2 is not able to automatically install the tokenizer. How can I install it manually?
A: Note that you will need administration privileges to automatically or manually install the tokenizer.
Quit MacBS2 if it is running.
Download the tokenizer from . The tokenizer will be named "tokenizer.shlb".
Move the tokenizer to /Library/CFMSupport.
Relaunch MacBS2. You should now see the tokenizer version in MacBS2's window. This is the indication that the tokenizer is properly loaded.