Power line networking
how is it supposed to work?
the way i see it, your going to have to fluctuate the voltage of the power line, in order to transmit a signal.
how is that achieved?
I want to try interfacing a microcontroller(the prop) to a car's LIN network.
What actually goes on inside those LIN transceivers which allows a signal to be transmitted across a power line without messing up every device powered by it?
I have been curious about this for some time, especially with all the ethernet-over-powerline stuff.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
Post Edited (Lee Marshall) : 11/7/2007 7:20:27 AM GMT
the way i see it, your going to have to fluctuate the voltage of the power line, in order to transmit a signal.
how is that achieved?
I want to try interfacing a microcontroller(the prop) to a car's LIN network.
What actually goes on inside those LIN transceivers which allows a signal to be transmitted across a power line without messing up every device powered by it?
I have been curious about this for some time, especially with all the ethernet-over-powerline stuff.
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
Post Edited (Lee Marshall) : 11/7/2007 7:20:27 AM GMT
~~ dRu ~~
however, i am more interested in DC powerline networking(like in cars).
the thing that really got me, is trying to understand what kind of device you would need to actually alter the voltage(to transmit the signal) on a power line.
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LIN Tranceiver·
Temperature Sensor
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LIN Tranceiver·
Oil Sensor
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LIN Tranceiver·
Sunroof Actuator
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how does the LIN Tranciever actually drop/raise the voltage?
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand
Post Edited (Lee Marshall) : 11/7/2007 2:10:55 PM GMT
Go to the link below and you will receive a link to download the spec in an email in about 5 minutes. I would post mine, but the PDF is generated by the online request which has a border that says who it is registered to and mine's for my work. Section 6.5 on page 114 starts the DC/signal parameters.
Yamar is a partner of Daimler Chrysler that makes chips for LIN products and has a cool animated gif on their home page for a LIN example. www.yamar.com/index.html
~~ dRu ~~
Cypress PSoC LIN Eval Kit, p/n 428-1926-ND
~~ dRu ~~