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Is there any plans for a more industructable BOE-BOT or SUMO-BOT and possibly a — Parallax Forums

Is there any plans for a more industructable BOE-BOT or SUMO-BOT and possibly a

Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
edited 2007-11-07 00:36 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I have been involved with a HS robotics class that has been learning how to program with the BOE-BOTs. But the bots have had problems when the students assemble their bots incorrectly. Now they are looking at using Lego's to teach with instead.

Is there any plans, to include a bit more physics into the course materials? Also make a Bot with the sensors integrated into the Bot, and be activated by software or use dedicated conectors for each sensor?


Post Edited (Capt. Quirk) : 11/6/2007 7:03:55 AM GMT


  • JDJD Posts: 570
    edited 2007-11-06 16:20

    The BOE BOT is a beginning to intermediate robotics kit. It is based on assembly, functionality, and programming of a robot in PBASIC. The ability to change the sensors freely is what gives the BOE BOT its flexibility. Along with the training manuals and tutorials the BOE BOT has proved to be resilient even with beginning mishaps. If you think there is some defect in the BOE BOTS you have received please call technical support and we will assist you anyway we can; but I do not foresee there being much change within the curriculum in terms to the BOE BOT.

    Joshua Donelson
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-11-06 20:43
    There are no defects. But these are good kids, that come to school at 6:30 am to learn about Robots and Programming to help keep a FIRST program alive in their inner-city school. Their school program doesn't have extra money to spend on·a couple·extra BS2-IC's when they have student related problems and they don't like to part out new ones. I have thought about buying one of the SX28 surface mount IC lots on Ebay, to make replacements. But then we would need to teach another language.

    I thought there·may have been a niche for a Sumo-Bot with all it's sensors integrated into it's circuit board (something in between a Lego a BOE-BOT).· And instead of teaching High School students Electronics and Sensors, teach them cirriculum that inspires "Intuitive or Creative Programming" and possibly Newton Physics to fit within HS Robtics,·Science and Programming classes.
  • Capt. QuirkCapt. Quirk Posts: 872
    edited 2007-11-07 00:36
    Someting similar to this:


    ·But cut down version to fit a Sumo or BOE Bot platform and possibly for 9th & 10th graders instead of 11th & 12th graders
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