LCD Char. Placement
Hello everyone,
On the Serial BackLight(2 x 16) display, is there any way to Place a Char. at any location directly other then (multi. shifts)...
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt, "OFF"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt, "ON"]
I guess I could use a For/Next loop with 13 LCDrt...
I have yet to figure out the best way
Any Help Please
On the Serial BackLight(2 x 16) display, is there any way to Place a Char. at any location directly other then (multi. shifts)...
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt, "OFF"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt,lcdrt, "ON"]
I guess I could use a For/Next loop with 13 LCDrt...
I have yet to figure out the best way
Any Help Please
Space CON " "
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,REP Space\10, "OFF"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]lcdline1,REP Space\10, "ON"]
Jeff T.
"There are also direct move commands that you can use to move the cursor to any position on the display
with a single command. The commands in the range Dec 128 to 143 and Dec 148 to 163 move the
cursor to the 16 different positions on each of the two lines of the model 27976 and 27977 LCDs. The
commands in the range Dec 128 to 207 move the cursor to the 20 different positions on each of the four
lines of the model 27979 LCD."
Line0 con 128
Line1 con 148
Line2 con 168
Line3 con 188
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]line0 +9, "BOW"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]line3 + 8, "STERN"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]line1 + 9, "PORT"]
SEROUT LCDScreen, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]line2 + 12, "STARBORD"]
I hope this helps.
I just could not find it, thanks for your help.