Broadcasting wireless direct from the chip

Anyone working on this?
Daniel Mueth
WSIU-TV Master Control
"Just plug it in and let's see what happens"
Daniel Mueth
WSIU-TV Master Control
"Just plug it in and let's see what happens"
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 11/5/2007 6:14:34 PM GMT
example application:
Home security system based on the prop, the home owner will be able to view the status of and any action that has happened.
Daniel Mueth
WSIU-TV Master Control
"Just plug it in and let's see what happens"
The carrier frequency is not a multiple of 5 MHz, so I just made it so (60MHz) and the TV's AFC adjusted.
Read the comments at the end of tv.spin which is included with the Propeller Tool. I'd set the carrier frequency to a multiple of the crystal (like 55MHz for channel 2) to minimize jitter and turn off color for the best image. Play around.
It works (sort of) even with the 5MHz crystal, but there's a lot of jitter that looks like noise on the screen. The problem is that the crystal is not an even submultiple of the video carrier frequency. With the counter's PLL, there's a slight variation from cycle to cycle of the frequency of the carrier as the PLL tries to provide, on average, the requested frequency. The low VHF video channels are on a 6MHz spacing which works out great with the 6MHz crystal. With a 6.25MHz crystal, try channel 3 with a carrier frequency of 62.5MHz or channel 4 with a carrier of 69MHz. The actual channels are 54-60MHz, 60-66MHz, 66-72MHz
There are lots of opinions floating around about what will or won't work in all kinds of contexts. And there are lots of critics about just about everything... but the real truth is that you can do just about anything with one or more Propellers. You can take that to the bank. Lots of people know other ways to do things... that's fine, but most of the time the answer is ... if you really need to do something (to put a signal together or take one apart) and all you really know is the Propeller... you know enough.
For that to be true, however, you have to become a flat out expert. As you know, but others might not, Baggers is just one of the guys blazing the trail in terms of this kind of technical innovation (to which we should all aspire.) He's doing synthesis right now, but analysis is on the flip side of this kind of thinking.
I looked through your web site and then promptly lost your link. Very, very impressive. Please post it again.
I should like to add: You also have to know a little of the "domain" you are exprimenting with.
I would be useful to know a little bit about RF, TV conventions, laws, EMI... before transmitting HF. It would be nice to understand Nyquist and low pass filters before adding an ADC; it would be a good thing to know Ohm's law before connecting anything to the Propeller at all
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.