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Spin, OLED-Prop-96 & FullDuplexSerial Question. — Parallax Forums

Spin, OLED-Prop-96 & FullDuplexSerial Question.

JMLStamp2pJMLStamp2p Posts: 259
edited 2007-11-05 03:05 in Propeller 1
Good morning all,
I have a OLED-96 Prop Display·and have the "uOLED-96-Prop_V4" driver running as well as the sample graphics code as listed below in my App. My question is this:
If I include the FullDuplexSerial Driver in the App. as well I want to make sure that I am not causing confusion
on the outputs driving the Display. From what I understand Pins 20 & 21 are avilable to the user on the OLED-96. How would I adjust the code to transmit out on Pin 20 using the Transmit OBJ in FullDuplexSerial ? "I want to make sure that I·am·Referencing right." Also, After I have downloaded the program I want to power the OLED-96 via +5 volts alone and monitor the data coming out of pin 20 with my scope. If their is anything that needs to be adjusted in this code fragment please let me know.




· _CLKMODE····· = XTAL1 + PLL16X·······················
· _XINFREQ····· = 8_000_000
· dSlow········ = 50
· dFast········ = 20

· OLED· : "uOLED-96-Prop_V4"
· DELAY : "Clock"
· DATA : "FullDuplexSerial"········· 'Is this Referenced right ?

· DELAY.Init(8_000_000)


··· Transmit


· data.serial.tx(01)·························· 'If Im going to use the Tx·method in FullDuplexSerial do I need·····
·································································'to·Referance it this way ? And how would I adjust the code to
································································ 'send the data "01" out on Pin 20 at 9600 baud, 1-Stop bit, no
·································································'parity ?

· data.serial.start(1,0,%0000,9600)
· data.serial.tx(01)

PUB Splash
· oled.putChar ("4", 1,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("D", 2,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("S", 4,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("y", 5,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("s", 6,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("t", 7,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("e", 8,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("m", 9,1,1, 255,255,255)
· oled.putChar ("s", 10,1,1,255,255,255)
· delay.PauseSec(2)


  • JMLStamp2pJMLStamp2p Posts: 259
    edited 2007-11-04 16:17
    I have this fragment adjusted:

    ·PUB Transmit
    · data.serial.start(1,0,%0000,9600)
    · data.serial.tx(01)

    Did not copy and paste right· ....


  • Mark SwannMark Swann Posts: 124
    edited 2007-11-04 17:20

    I am not sure where you are getting the "serial" in "data.serial.tx(01)". I believe "data.tx(01)" will suffice.

  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690
    edited 2007-11-04 17:20

    1) The syntax for calling methods in other objects is only: obj.methode(parameter)
    so you call your serial object with data.tx and data.start. (But I suggest to take another name instead of "data", perhaps "serial"?)

    2) Have a look at the Start methode of the FullDuplexSerial:
    PUB start(rxpin, txpin, mode, baudrate) : okay

    First parameter is the Receive pin number, second the Transmit pin number.
    So your code would transmit on PA0 and receive on PA1.
    The FullDuplexSerial uses always 8 data- and 1 stopbit and no parity.

    3) If you write: data.tx(01) you send the ASCII code 1 (or in other words a byte with the value 1).
    Is that what you want? If you will send 2 characters "01" then you have a lot of possibilities:
     data.hex(1,2)  'send Hexstring of the value 1 with 2 digits

    depends on what the code should do...

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-11-04 17:24
    For all objects ... you use the form "<object name> . <method name> ( <parameters> )"

    In your case, since you have 'OBJ data : "FullDuplexSerial"', you use "data.start()" and "data.tx()".

    For actually transmitting, do you want the characters "0", then "1", or do you want the binary values 0, then 1?

    In the first case, you'd put 'data.tx("0")', then 'data.tx("1")'.
    In the second case, you'd put 'data.tx(0)', then 'data.tx(1)'.

    Your start call would have to be 'data.start(20,20,%1000,9600)' assuming that you don't need to receive anything.
    I've set both transmit and receive pins the same (since you don't need receive) and the mode bit set to 1 simply
    throws away an input character for each one transmitted since transmitted characters will be echoed this way.

    If you want to receive, just change the first pin # to whatever you want to use and make the mode %0000.
  • Adoy EsiwAdoy Esiw Posts: 10
    edited 2007-11-04 19:37

    What you're trying to do is really pretty straight-forward if you just keep reminding yourself that the 96-PROP is just a Prop Dev board with a display and uSD card.

    Just playing around yesterday, I put together a small project that uses the 96-PROP to run the uOLED-160-GMD1 demo (code for the object and demo can be found in the Object Exchange. By Duffer, I think). I added the uOLED-96-PROP object and added some lines to the 160 demo to output text to the 96-prop screen for each segment of the 160 demo (kind of like a "debug" screen or console for what the 96-PROP was doing).

    It works nicely and the hookup is really clean (both displays are running off the same uUSB-CE5 for programming the 96-PROP and powering the whole system while it's running. See pics below.

    I'll PM you the modified code (zipped up into an archive created within the Propeller tool) if you want so you can see what changes were made to the "stock" code. (uOLED-160-GMD1.spin (changed to use pins 18 and 19 for serial) and uOLED-160-GMD1_Demo (to insert the code to output text to the 96-PROP while running the demo)) and how the "project" goes together.


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  • JMLStamp2pJMLStamp2p Posts: 259
    edited 2007-11-05 03:05
    Thanks guys,
    I understand and appreciate your comments, makes sense. Adoy, I also have a 160-GMD1 and look forward to looking at your code.

    Much appreciated,
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