major basic stamp 2 homework baord power supply help
as u know i am using a bs2 hw board, but i am using a servo, 2 leds, a photoresitor, and a number display, which is draining my batteries like crazy, so i thought about adding a soler panel, but they are all too expensive for 6v at udleast 100 millamps, so i then thought about running the servo using a h-bridge and a seperae battery for the servo, but the h-bridge are too expensive for 2 controllers (planing to put in another dc motor and switch the servor for a motor when i get another idea for power supply), and a h-bridge uses too much io space, but i only have 3 left, an now i found a small nicd pack thats 9.6v, but i dont know how much milliamps is gives, it looks like it has 8 double a bateries, the chargers is 12v 200ma, so i was thinking about instead of putting the 9v batter their, i would put the 9.6v nicd battery pack their, since the bs2 has a voltage reg, so i dont think i will make anything catch fire or something, what do u think i should do?
1) The higher voltage will damage the servos (shorten their life). Best to use no more than 7.5V on standard servos.
2) Anything over about 6V is extra heat dissipation for the Stamp's voltage regulator and it doesn't really have a heatsink so it could run hot. If it gets too hot, it shuts itself off until things cool down ... not what you want.
- Rick