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Fun with relays — Parallax Forums

Fun with relays

RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162
edited 2007-11-04 02:38 in Propeller 1
In this photo I'm using the Prop's I2C bus (pins 28, 29)·to control a SW-200 contactor rated for 250 A, 96 V.

An I2C level shifter ups the I2C to 5V and controls a PCF8574 I/O expansion chip.
Two pins·of the·PCF8575 are used to control a small 5 V, 1.5 A relay (G6B-1174P).
The small relay drives the coil of the SW-200 contactor.
1152 x 864 - 569K


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162
    edited 2007-11-02 19:15
    Here, I'm using·one pin of a·PCF8575 to drive·two pins of a·ULN2803 (using a 1K resistor to pull up to +5V).
    Two output pins of the ULN2803 are used to drive the 12V coil of this 70-902 contactor (80A, 12V).
    1152 x 864 - 565K
  • jammajamma Posts: 33
    edited 2007-11-03 00:34
    What the application? And where'd you get the cool aluminum project case?
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,162
    edited 2007-11-03 01:44
    Case is a Hammond extruded aluminum box.

    Project is a 200 kW battery powered capacitor charger for a small railgun...
  • rjo_rjo_ Posts: 1,825
    edited 2007-11-04 02:38
    Railguns and Pov-Ray

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